Quickly Add Users to Lync 2010 Environment

Update (10/11):  new script posted

I had the chance to work on this script a little bit more and was able to add a few of the features and checks that I wanted originally such as the ability to check if a user is a member of Active Directory or not, if the user is already of member of the Lync environment and also a very simple logging mechanism to gather information on names that weren’t in AD, users already in Lync, etc. to make life easier if the script has been run but there were misspellings or whatever other anomalies in the CSV file that is read in.

The format for reading in users is exactly the same, so just look at the example CSV file posted at the bottom of the page to get an idea of how users should be entered and look in the file for getting read in properly.

The updated code is posted below.  I will be adding this onto my github account in the future as well so check out github if you aren’t already a member.

##Script:  EnableLyncUsers.ps1
##Name:    Josh Reichardt
##Email:   [email protected]
##Date:    10/9/12
##Purpose: Use this script to add users already in AD domain into Lync 2010 environment.
##Notes:   Reads in a CSV file with pre populated AD Display names.  Can be adjusted to
##	   work with alternate AD names (eg SIP address, UPN or AD log on name).

$File = "C:\Lync\test.csv"
$Log = New-Item -ItemType File -Path "C:\Lync\userlog.txt" -Force

#Import CSV File
$UserArray = Import-CSV -Path $File

#Check if user file is empty.
if ($UserArray -eq $null)
	 write-host "No Users Found in Input File"
	 exit 0

#Get total number of users in CSV file and begin proccessing.
$count = $UserArray | Measure-Object | Select-Object -expand count
Write-Host "Found " $count "Users to import."
Write-Host "Processing Users.....`n"
$index = 1

ForEach ($User in $UserArray) {

	Write-Host "Processing User " $index " of " $count
	$Fullname = $User.DisplayName
	$aduser = get-csaduser -Identity $Fullname

	#Check if user is in AD.  Log if they are NOT.
	if ($aduser -eq $null) {
		$notinad = $true
		Write-Host "User " $Fullname " is not in AD.  Double check spelling, etc." -Foregroundcolor Red
		Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$($Fullname) is not in AD.  Double check spelling, etc."

	else {
		$notinad = $false

	#If user is in AD check if enabled in Lync and log if enabled.
	if ($aduser.Enabled) {
		Write-Host $User.DisplayName "is already enabled in Lync, skipping."  -Foregroundcolor Yellow
		Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$($Fullname) is already enabled in Lync."

	#User not enabled.
	else {
		Write-Host "Adding user " $User.DisplayName -Foregroundcolor Green
		Enable-CsUser -Identity $User.DisplayName -Registrarpool "lyncpoolGMRC.gmrcnt.local" -SipAddressType Emailaddress

		#Check if last command failed.  If it does, log it.
		if(!$?) {
			Add-Content -Path $Log -Value "$($Fullname) not enabled.  $(Get-Date)$($error[0])"




Below I have posted the quick and dirty method to bulk import a list of users from a CSV file into your Lync environment using their first and last name using the Lync Management Shell (LMS).  I say quick and dirty because it lacks a way to tell if users are already in the Lync environment as well as not having the ability to cope with users that have misspelled or changed names in the CSV file.  But it works, for the most part in a jam.

I should mention that this can be modified to cope with different user views.  For example,

  • The user’s Active Directory display name (e.g., “John Doe”)
  • The user’s SIP address (e.g., “sip:[email protected]”)
  • The user’s User Principal Name (e.g., “[email protected]”)
  • The user’s domain name and logon name, in the format domain_name\logon_name (e.g., psa\jdoe)

And here is the original code to get the users imported into your Lync environment.  Again, very rough, check the updated version if you want more features.

$File = "C:\Lync\lyncusers.csv"

#Import CSV File
$UserArray = Import-CSV -Path $File

if ($UserArray -eq $null)
write-host "No Users Found in Input File" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
exit 0

ForEach ($User in $UserArray) {

#Check if user is in AD
$aduser = Get-CsAdUser -Identity $User.Name | Where-Object {$_.enabled -ne "true"}

#Enable user
if($aduser -ne $()) {
Enable-CsUser -Identity $User.DisplayName -Registrarpool "lyncpoolGMRC.gmrcnt.local" -SipAddressType Emailaddress

Write-Host "Users added successfully."

The CSV file will look similar to the following (in my case, DisplayName, or First and Last name):

I’ve found this to be helpful any time I need to add more than just a few users at a time into the current environment because the GUI is so cumbersome.

Josh Reichardt

Josh is the creator of this blog, a system administrator and a contributor to other technology communities such as /r/sysadmin and Ops School. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook.