One challenge when dealing with Terraform is keeping things clean and repeatable. My current favorite approach to accomplish this task using shell scripts is by using a combination of null_resources and triggers to control when scripts should be updated. These controls combined with Terraform provisioners and template_files provide a nice flexible way to deal with otherwise potentially messy scripts.
I like to provide more than one trigger so that they can be recomputed when either a variable that gets passed into the script changes, or, the script itself changes. This trick is handy when you need to bend Terraform into doing something that it usually doesn’t handle, like some startup or bootstrap process.
Below is the full example with templated scripts and triggers in Terraform v0.11. The same logic should also work with Terraform v0.12 with minimal changes.
data "template_file" "cool_script" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/script.sh")}"
vars {
my_cool_var = "${var.my_cool_var}"
resource "null_resource" "script" {
# Trigger when the script when variables change
triggers = {
my_trigger = "${var.my_cool_var}"
script_sha = "${sha256(file("${path.module}/script.sh"))}"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "${data.template_file.cool_script.rendered}"
interpreter = ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
You can provide as many variables to the template_file as the script needs and any time those get updated, the null_resource will pick these changes up and update/rerun your script for you. Notice that the provisioner in the null_resource is basically set up to call bash against the rendered script that we created, using the values in the vars.
If you call the script again, nothing should change because we already computed the SHA of the rendered script and told Terraform to keep track of that state. The below example is a simple way for telling Terraform to keep track of changes to the script/template.
script_sha = "${sha256(file("${path.module}/script.sh"))}"
Once the script is updated, the next time the script gets called, its values and output should update accordingly. Likewise, since we are also using a var as a trigger, when that changes the script will also be updated.
Terraform is flexible enough to allow us to do things like this because often times there are situations and edge cases where Terraform can’t really perform some actions. The above example is a common workaround for provisioning resources that either don’t have an API that Terraform can tap into, or are just tasks that are only handled via some startup or bootstrap script/process.