One thing that I love about bash is that there is never a shortage of new tips and tricks to learn. I have been using bash for over 10 years now and just stumbled on this little trick.
This one (as the title implies) allows you to quickly substitute a string into the previous command and rerun the command with the substitution.
Quick substitution is officially part of the Bash Event Designators mechanism and is a great way to fix a typo from a previous command. Below is an example.
# Simple example to highlight substitutions
echo foo
# This will replace the string "foo" with "bar" and rerun the last command
This shorthand notation is great for most use cases, with the exception of needing to replace multiple instances of a given string. Luckily that is easily addressed with the Event Designators expanded substitution syntax, shown below.
# This will substitute ALL occurrences of foo in the previous command
# Slightly different syntax allows you to do the same thing in ZSH
The syntax is slightly more complicated in the first example but should be familiar enough to anyone that has used sed and/or vim substitutions, and the second example is almost identical to the shorthand substitution.
Taking things one step further, we can actually edit the previous command to fix anything more than a typo of different argument. fc is actually a bash builtin function so it is available almost everywhere.
fc is especially useful for dealing with very long, complicated commands.
# Oops, we messed this up
echo fobarr | grep bar
# To fix it, just open the above in your default editor
# when you write and quit the file it will put the contents into your current command
There are many great tutorials available so I would recommend looking around to see all the options and get more ideas.
The landscape of command line driver text manipulation and processing tools is somewhat large and confusing, with more and more tools emerging all the time. Because I am having trouble keeping them all in my head, I decided to make a little reference guide to help remember which tool to choose for the correct task at hand.
Reach for jq first when you need to do any kind of processing with JSON files.
From the website, “jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.”
sudo apt-get install jq
# or
brew install jq
# consume json and output as unchanged json
curl '' | jq '.'
This project looks very interesting and is a refreshing thing to see in the Linux world. JC is basically a way to create structured objects (ala PowerShell) as JSON output from running various Linux commands. And from the GitHub repo, ” This tool serializes the output of popular gnu linux command line tools and file types to structured JSON output. This allows piping of output to tools like jq”.
Transforming data into structured objects can massively simplify interacting with them by pairing the output with jq to interact with.
This tool can be confusing because there is both a Python version and a Go version. On top of that, the Python version includes its own version of xq, which is different than the standalone xq tool.
The main differences between the Python and Go version is that the Python version can deal with both yaml and xml while the Go version is meant to be used as a command line tool to deal with only yaml.
From the website, oq is “A performant, portable jq wrapper thats facilitates the consumption and output of formats other than JSON; using jq filters to transform the data”.
The claim to fame that oq has is that it is very similar to jq but works better with other data formats, including xml and yaml. For example, you can read in some xml (and others), apply some filters, and output to yaml (and others). This flexibility makes oq a good option if you need to deal with different data formats oustide of JSON.
snap install oq
# or
brew tap blacksmoke16/tap && brew install oq
# consume json and output xml
echo '{"name": "Jim"}' | oq -o xml .
From the Github page, “Apply XPath expressions to XML, like jq does for JSONPath and JSON”.
The coolest use case I have found for xq so far is taking in an xml file and outputting it into a json file, which surprising I haven’t found another tool that can do this (oc authors say there are plans to do this in the future). The simplest example is to curl a page, pipe it through xq to change it to json and then pipe it again and use jq to manipulate the data.
This is a newer tool, with a slightly different approach aimed at helping to automate configurations, especially for things like Kubernetes but should work with most structured data.
This tool works with json, yaml and hcl and can be used in conjunction with Javascript, making it an interesting option.
curl -Lo jk
chmod +x jk
sudo mv jk /usr/local/bin/
// alice.js
const alice = {
name: 'Alice',
beverage: 'Club-Mate',
monitors: 2,
languages: [
'68k assembly', // Alice is cool like that!
// Instruct to write the alice object as a YAML file.
export default [
{ value: alice, file: `developers/${}.yaml` },
jk generate -v alice.js
This is basically a simplified templating language that only intends to deal with yaml. The approach the authors took was to create yaml templates and sanbdox/embed Python into the templating engine, allowing users to call on the power of Python inside of their templates.
The easiest way to play around with ytt if you don’t want to clone the repo is to try out the online playground.
From the GitHub page, ” Configula is a configuration generation language and processor. It’s goal is to make the programmatic definition of declarative configuration easy and intuitive”.
Similar in some ways to ytt, but instead of embedding Python into the yaml template file, you create a .py file and then render the py file into yaml using the Configula command line tool.
git clone
cd configula
# Define a YAML object where the 'foo' field has the value of evaluating 1 + 2 (e.g. 3)
my_obj = foo: !~ 1 + 2
./configula examples/
Jsonnet bills itself as a “data templating language for app and tool developers”. This tool was originally created by folks working at Google, and has been around for quite some time now. For some reason always seems to fly underneath the radar but it is super powerful.
This tool is a superset of JSON and allows you to add conditionals, loops and other functions available as part of its standard library. Jsonnet can render itself into json and yaml output.
For (pretty much) everything else, there is Sed. Sed, short for stream editor, has been around forever and is basically a Swiss army knife for manipulating text, and if you have been using *nix for any length of time you have more than likely come across this tool before. From their docs, Sed is “a stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream”.
The odds are good that Sed will likely do what you’re looking for if you can’t use one of the aforementioned tools.
Kubernetes API changes are coming up and I wanted to make a quick blog post to highlight what this means and show a few of things I have discovered to deal with the changes.
First, there have been some relevant announcements regarding the changes and deprecations recently. The first being the API Depractions in 1.16 announcement, which describes the changes to the API and some of the things to look at and do to fix problems
The next post is the Kubernetes 1.16 release announcement, which contains a section “Significant Changes to the Kubernetes API” that references the deprecation post.
Another excellent resource for learning about how Kubernetes deprecations work is the API deprecation documentation, highlighted in the deprecation post, but not widely shared.
In my opinion, the Kubernetes community really dropped the ball in terms of communicating these changes and missed an opportunity to describe and discuss the problems that these changes will create. I understand that the community is gigantic and it would be impossible to cover every case, but to me, the few blog posts describing the changes and not much other official communication or guides for how to handle and fix the impending problems is a little bit underwhelming.
The average user probably doesn’t pay attention to these blog posts, and there are a lot of old Helm charts out in the wild still, so I’m confident that the incoming changes will create headaches and table flips when people start upgrading. As an example, if you have an old API defined and running in a pre 1.16 cluster, and upgrade without fixing the API version first, APPS IN YOUR CLUSTER WILL BREAK. The good news is that new clusters won’t allow the old API versions, making errors easier to see and deal with.
Testing for and fixing deprecated APIs
With that mini rant out of the way, there is a simple but effective way to test your existing configurations for API compatibility.
Conftest is a nice little tool that helps write tests against structured configuration data, using the Rego language using Open Policy Agent (OPA). Conftest works with many file types including JSON, TOML and HCL, which makes it a great choice for testing a variety of different configurations, but is especially useful for testing Kubernetes YAML configurations.
tar xzf conftest_0.15.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
sudo mv conftest /usr/local/bin
Then we can use the handy policy provided by the deprek8 repo to validate the API versions.
curl > deprek8.rego
conftest test -p deprek8.rego sample/manifest.yaml
Here’s what a FAIL condition might look like according to what is defined in the rego policy file for an outdated API version.
FAIL - sample/manifest.yaml - Deployment/my-deployment: API extensions/v1beta1 for Deployment is no longer served by default, use apps/v1 instead.
The Rego policy is what actually defines the behavior that Conftest will display and as you can see, it found an issue with the Deployment object defined in the test manifest.
Below is the Rego policy that causes Conftest to spit out the FAILure message. The syntax is clean and easy to follow, so writing and adjusting policies is easy.
_deny = msg {
resources := ["DaemonSet", "Deployment", "ReplicaSet"]
input.apiVersion == "extensions/v1beta1"
input.kind == resources[_]
msg := sprintf("%s/%s: API extensions/v1beta1 for %s is no longer served by default, use apps/v1 instead.", [input.kind,, input.kind])
Once you know what is wrong with the configuration, you can use the kubectl convert subcommand to fix up the existing deprecated API objects. Again, attempting to create objects using deprecated APIs in 1.16 will be rejected automatically by Kubernetes, so you will only need to deal with converting existing objects in old clusters being upgraded.
From the above error, we know the object type (Deployment) and the version (extensions/v1beta1). With this information we can run the convert command to fix the object.
# General syntax
kubectl convert -f <file> --output-version <group>/<version>
# The --output-version flag allows specifying the API version to upgrade to
kubectl convert -f sample/manifest.yaml --output-version apps/v1
# Omitting the --output-version flag will convert to the latest version
kubectl convert -f sample/manifest.yaml
After the existing objects have been converted and any manifest files have been updated you should be safe to upgrade Kubernetes.
There was a fantastic episode of TGIK awhile back called Kubernetes API Removal and You that describes in great detail what all of the deprections mean and how to fix them – definitely worth a watch if you have the time.
OPA and testing configurations using tools like conftest and Rego policies is a great way to harden and help standardize configurations. Taken a step further, these configuration testing tools can be extended to test all sorts of other things.
Conftest looks especially promising because of the number of file types that it understands. There is a lot of potential here for doing things like unit testing Kubernetes configuration files and other things like Terraform configs.
I haven’t written any Rego policies yet but the language looks pretty straight forward and easy to deal with. I think that as configurations continue to evolve, tools like Conftest (OPA), Kubeval and Kustomize will gain more traction and help simplify some of the complexities of Kubernetes.
There have been quite a few posts recently describing how to write custom plugins, now that the mechanism for creating and working with them has been made easier in upstream Kubernetes (as of v1.12). Here are the official plugin docs if you’re interested in learning more about how it all works.
One neat thing about the new plugin architecture is that they don’t need to be written in Go to be recognized by kubectl. There is a document in the Kubernetes repo that describes how to write your own custom plugin and even a helper library for making it easier to write plugins.
Instead of just writing another tutorial about how to make your own plugin, I decided to show how easy it is to grab and experiment with existing plugins.
Installing krew
If you haven’t heard about it yet, Krew is a new tool released by the Google Container Tools team for managing Kubernetes plugins. As far as I know this is the first plugin manager offering available, and it really scratches my itch for finding a specific tool for a specific job (while also being easy to use).
Krew basically builds on top of the kubectl plugin architecture for making it easier to deal with plugins by providing a sort of framework for keeping track of things and making sure they are doing what they are supposed to.
The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:
You can manage plugins without Krew, but if you work with a lot of plugins complexity and maintenance generally start to escalate quickly if you are managing everything manually. Below I will show you how easy it is to deal with plugins instead using Krew.
There are installation instructions in the repo, but it is really easy to get going. Run the following commands in your shell and you are ready to go.
set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
curl -fsSLO "{tar.gz,yaml}" &&
tar zxvf krew.tar.gz &&
./krew-"$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64" install \
--manifest=krew.yaml --archive=krew.tar.gz
# Then append the following to your .zshrc or bashrc
export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"
# Then source your shell to pick up the path
source ~/.zshrc # or ~/.bashrc
You can use the kubectl plugin list command to look at all of your plugins.
Test it out to make sure it works.
kubectl krew help
If everything went smoothly you should see some help information and can start working with the plugin manager. For example, if you want to check currently available plugins you can use Krew.
kubectl krew update
kubectl krew search
Or you can browse around the plugin index on GitHub. Once you find a plugin you want to try out, just install it.
kubectl krew install view-utilization
That’s it. Krew should take care of downloading the plugin and putting it in the correct path to make it usable right away.
kubectl view-utilization
Some plugins require additional tools to be installed beforehand as dependencies but should tell you which ones are required when they are installed the first time.
Installing plugin: view-secret
| This plugin needs the following programs:
| * jq
Installed plugin: view-secret
When you are done with a plugin, you can install it just as easily as it was installed.
kubectl krew uninstall view-secret
I must say I am a really big fan of this new model for managing and creating plugins, and I think it will encourage the community to develop even more tools so I’m looking forward to seeing what people come up with.
Likewise I think Krew is a great fit for this because it is super easy to get installed and started with, which I think is important for gaining widespread adoption in the community. If you have an idea for a Kubectl plugin please consider adding it to the krew-index. The project maintainers are super friendly and are great about feedback and getting things merged.
If you haven’t already discovered Mitogen yet, read on for how to use it (and a few other tricks) to make you Ansible plays a much better experience.
In short, Mitogen is a Python library that (among other things) provides an alternative way to connect to distributed machines using tools like Ansible, Salt and Fabric. And it is fast. Like really fast. Here is a note taken from the Mitogen documentation.
Expect a 1.25x – 7x speedup and a CPU usage reduction of at least 2x, depending on network conditions, modules executed, and time already spent by targets on useful work. Mitogen cannot improve a module once it is executing, it can only ensure the module executes as quickly as possible.
As the documentation says, Mitogen isn’t intended to be used directly but has entrypoints for connecting various tools with its API.
Here is what the sample output might look like with the SSH pipelining and other tweaks configured, not including Mitogen. It clocks in around 120 seconds.
And here is the same run again with Mitogen. The same playbook run is down to around 90 seconds, about a 25% improvement as shown below. The output and few of the other settings are described in more detail below.
better Ansible play output
To set up Mitogen as an Ansible replacement for connecting to hosts, first install it. Note the version. In my own testing, versions earlier than 0.2.5 had some issues.
cd </path/to/install>
curl -OL
tar xvzf mitogen-0.2.5.tar.gz
Then modify the anisble.cfg file to point at Mitogen.
An option was addin in Mitogen v0.2.4 to disable SSH compression, which can reduce run times in faster networks. The documentation says this option will be default in the future but for now you can turn it on with the following command configuration.
mitogen_ssh_compression = False
NOTE: If you are having trouble with Mitogen and need to turn it off you should also be aware of SSH pipelining. This method of execution isn’t as fast as Mitogen but should at least help bring playbook times down. You can turn it on with the following configuration.
pipelining = True
There are a few other bells and whistles that you can adjust in the anisble.cfg file to help with performance and gain visibility into what is happening.
There is a setting for callback configurations that can be added to ansible.cfg that makes it much easier to see how long things take.
# Record some metrics about the Ansible runs
callback_whitelist = timer, profile_tasks
# Better output formatting
stdout_callback = yaml
# Minimal output formatting
#stdout_callback = minimal
callback_plugins = callback_plugins
Other settings that can be tuned include some of the defaults like poll_interval, caching and the number of forks to run. I found this blog post to be very helpful in discovering and describing a number of these Ansible tweaks.
Below is a modified ansible.cfg with these settings tuned.
# How often Ansible checks running tasks. The default is set to 15
poll_interval = 5
# Number of processes to fork. Default is set to 5.
forks = 100
fact_caching = jsonfile
fact_caching_connection = .cache/
With these tweaks your Ansible playbooks should run much faster and more cleanly. I highly recommend giving Mitogen a try as well, I have not run into any issues with Mitogen 0.2.3 and it isn’t much effort to add for the amount of gains you get by switching to it. If you know of any other tweaks or settings feel free to let me know!