
DevOps Conferences

I did a post quite awhile ago that highlighted some of the cooler system admin and operations oriented conferences that I had on my radar at that time.  Since then I have changed jobs and am now currently in a DevOps oriented position, so I’d like to revisit the subject and update that list to reflect some of the cool conferences that are in the DevOps space.

I’d like to start off by saying first that even if you can’t make it to the bigger conferences, local groups and meet ups are also an excellent way to get out and meet other professionals that do what you do. Local groups are also an excellent way to stay in the loop on what’s current and also learn about what others are doing.  If you are interested in eventually becoming a presenter or speaker, local meet ups and groups can be a great way to get started.  There are numerous opportunities and communities (especially in bigger cities), check here for information or to see if there is a DevOps meet up near you.  If there is nothing near by, start one!  If you can’t find any DevOps groups look for Linux groups or developer groups and network from there, DevOps is beginning to become popular in broader circles.

After you get your feet wet with meet ups, the next place to start looking is conferences that sound like they might be interesting to you.  There are about a million different opportunities to choose from, from security conferences, developer conferences, server and network conferences, all the way down the line.  I am sticking with strictly DevOps related conferences because that is currently what I am interested and know the best.

Feel free to comment if I missed any conferences that you think should be on this list.

DevOps Days (Multiple dates)

Perhaps the most DevOps centric of all the conference list.  These conferences are a great way to meet with fellow DevOps professionals and network with them.  The space and industry is changing constantly and being on top of all of the changes is crucial to being successful.  Another nice thing about the DevOps days is that they are spread out around the country (and world) and spread out throughout the year so they are very accessible.  WARNING:  DevOps days are not tied to any one set of DevOps tools but rather the principles and techniques and how to apply them to different environments.  If you are looking for super in depth technical talks, this one may not be for you.

ChefConf (March)

The main Chef conference.  There are large conferences for the main configuration management tools but I chose to highlight Chef because that’s what we use at my job.  There are lots of good talks that have a Chef centered theme but also are great because the practices can be applied with other tools.  For example, there are many DevOps themes at ChefConf including continuous integration and deployment topics, how to scale environments, tying different tools together and just general configuration management techniques.  Highly recommend for Chef users, feel free to substitute the other big configuration management tool conferences here if Chef isn’t your cup of tea (Salt, Puppet, Ansible).

CoreOS Fest (May)

  • 2015 videos haven’t been posted yet

Admittedly, this is a much smaller and niche conference but is still awesome.  The conference is the first one put on by the folks at CoreOS and was designed to help the community keep up with what is going on in the CoreOS and container world.  The venue is pretty small but the content at this years conference was very good.  There were some epic announcements and talks at this years conference, including Tectonic announcements and Kubernetes deep dives, so if container technology is something you’re interested in then this conference would definitely be worth checking out.

Velocity (May)

This one just popped up on my DevOps conference radar.  I have been hearing good things about this conference for awhile now but have not had the opportunity to go to it.  It always has interesting speakers and topics and a number of the DevOps thought leaders show up for this event.  One cool thing about this conference is that there are a variety of different topics at any one time so it offers a nice, wide spectrum of information.  For example, there are technical tracks covering different areas of DevOps.

DockerCon (June)

Docker has been growing at a crazy pace so this seems like the big conference to go check out if you are in the container space.  This conference is similar to CoreOS fest but focuses more heavily on topics of Docker (obviously).  I haven’t had a chance to go to one of these yet but containers and Docker have so much momentum it is very difficult to avoid.  As well, many people believe that container technologies are going to be the path to the future so it is a good idea to be as close to the action as you can.

Monitorama (June)

This is one of the coolest conferences I think, but that is probably just because I am so obsessed with monitoring and metrics collection.  Monitoring seems to be one of those topics that isn’t always fun to deal with or work around but talks and technologies at this conference actually make me excited about monitoring.  To most, monitoring is a necessary evil and a lot of the content from this conference can help make your life easier and better in all aspects of monitoring, from new trends and tools to topics on how to correctly monitor and scale infrastructures.  Talks can be technical but well worth it, if monitoring is something that interests you.

AWS Re:Invent (November)

This one is a monster.  This is the big conference that AWS puts on every year to announce new products and technologies that they have been working on as well as provide some incredibly helpful technical talks.  I believe this conference is one of the pricier and more exclusive conferences but offers a lot in the way of content and details.  This conference offers some of the best, most technical topics of discussion that I have seen and has been invaluable as a learning resource.  All of the videos from the conference are posted on YouTube so you can get access to this information for free.  Obviously the content is related to AWS but I have found this to be a great way to learn.


Even if you don’t have a lot of time to travel or get out to these conferences, nearly all of them post video from the event so you can watch it whenever you want to.  This is an INCREDIBLE learning tool and resource that is FREE.  The only downside to the videos is that you can’t ask any questions, but it is easy to find the presenters contact info if you are interested and feel like reaching out.

That being said, you tend to get a lot more out of attending the conference.  The main benefit of going to conferences over watching the videos alone is that you get to meet and talk to others in the space and get a feel for what everybody else is doing as well as check out many cool tools that you might otherwise never hear about.  At every conference I attend, I always learn about some new tech that others are using that I have never heard of that is incredibly useful and I always run in to interesting people that I would otherwise not have the opportunity to meet.

So definitely if you can, get out to these conferences, meet and talk to people, and get as much out of them as you can.  If you can’t make it, check out the videos afterwards for some really great nuggets of information, they are a great way to keep your skills sharp and current.

If you have any more conferences to add to this list I would be happy to update it!  I am always looking for new conferences and DevOps related events.

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Grafana dashboard

Composing a Graphite server with Docker

Recently our Graphite server needed to be overhauled, which I was not looking forward to.  Luckily Docker makes the process of building identical and reproducible images for configuring a new server much easier and painless than other methods.


If you don’t know what Graphite is you can check out the documentation for more info.  Basically it is a tool to collect and aggregate metrics of pretty much any kind, in to a central location.  It is a great complement to something like statsd for metric collection and aggregation, which I will go over later.

The setup I will be describing today leverages a handful of components to work.  The first and most important part is Graphite.  This includes all of the parts that make up Graphite, including the carbon aggregator and carbon cache for the collection and processing of metrics as well as the whisper db for storing metrics.

There are several other alternative backends but I don’t have any experience with them so won’t be posting any details.  If you are interested, InfluxDB and OpenTSDB both look like interesting alternative backends to whisper for storing metrics.

The Problem

Graphite is known to be notoriously difficult to install and configure properly.  If you haven’t tried to set up Graphite before, give it a try.

Another argument that I hear quite a bit is that the Graphite workload doesn’t really fit in with the Docker model.  In a distributed or highly available architecture that might be the case but in the example I cove here, we are taking a different approach.

The design and implementation separates data on to an EBS volume which is a durable storage resource, so it doesn’t matter if the server were to have problems.  With our approach and process we can reprovision the server and have everything up and running in less than 5 minutes.

The benefit of doing it this way is obvious.  Another benefit of our approach is that we are levering the graphite-api package so that we can have access to all of the Graphite goodness without having to run all of the other bloats and then proxying it through ngingx/wsgi which helps with performance.  I will go over this set up in a little bit.  No Graphite server would be complete if it didn’t leverage Grafana, which turns out to be stupidly easy using the Docker approach.

If we were ever to try to expand this architecture I think a distributed model using EFS (currently in preview) along with some type of load balancer in front to distribute requests evenly may be a possibility.  If you have experience running Graphite across many nodes I would love to hear what you are doing.

The Solution

There are a few components to our architecture.  The first is a tool I have been writing about recently called Terraform.  We use this with some custom scripting to build the server, configure it and attach our Graphite data volume to the server.

Here is what a sample terraform config might look like to provision the server with the tools we want.  This server is provisioned to an AWS environment and leverages a number of variables.  You can check the docs on how variables work or if there is too much confusion I can post an example.

provider "aws" {
  access_key = "${var.access_key}"
  secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
  region = "${var.region}"

resource "aws_instance" "graphite" {
  ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
  availability_zone = "us-east-1e"
  instance_type = "c3.xlarge"
  subnet_id = "${var.public-1e}"
  security_groups = ["${var.graphite}"]
  key_name = "XXX"
  user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/graphite.yml")}"

  root_block_device = {
    volume_type = "gp2"
    volume_size = "20"

  connection {
    user = "username"
    key_file = "${var.key_path}"

 # mount EBS
  provisioner "local-exec" {
     command = "aws ec2 attach-volume --region=us-east-1 --volume-id=${var.graphite_data_vol} --instance-id=${aws_instance.graphite.id} --device=/dev/xvdf"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    inline = [
    "while [ ! -e /dev/xvdf ]; do sleep 1; done",
    "echo '/dev/xvdf /data ext4 defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab",
    "sudo mkdir /data && sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdf /data"


And optionally if you have an Elastic IP to use you can tack that on to your config

resource "aws_eip" "graphite" {
  instance = "${aws_instance.graphite.id}"
  vpc = true

The graphite server uses a mostly standard config and installs a few of the components that we need to run the server, docker, python, pip, docker-compose, etc.  Here is what a sample cloud config for the Graphite server might look like.


# Make sure OS is up to date
apt_update: true
apt_upgrade: true
disable_root: true

# Connect to private repo
 - path: /home/<user>/.dockercfg
 owner: user:group
 permissions: 0755
 content: |
   "https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
   "auth": "XXX",
   "email": "email"

# Capture all subprocess output for troubleshooting cloud-init issues
output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}

 - python-dev
 - python-pip

# Install latest Docker version
 - apt-get -y install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)
 - curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ubuntu/ | sudo sh
 - usermod -a -G docker <user>
 - sg docker
 - sudo pip install -U docker-compose

# Reboot for changes to take
 mode: reboot
 delay: "+1"

 - <put your ssh public key here>


This is where most of the magi happens.  As noted above, we are using Docker and a few of its tools to get everything working.  All the logic to get Graphite running is contained in the Dockerfile, which will require some customizing but is similar to the following.

# Building from Ubuntu base
FROM ubuntu:14.04.2

# This suppresses a bunch of annoying warnings from debconf
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

# Install all system dependencies
 apt-get -qq install -y software-properties-common && \
 add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js && \
 apt-get -qq update -y && \
 apt-get -qq install -y build-essential curl \
 # Graphite dependencies
 python-dev libcairo2-dev libffi-dev python-pip \
 # Supervisor
 supervisor \
 # nginx + uWSGI
 nginx uwsgi-plugin-python \
 # StatsD

# Install StatsD
 mkdir -p /opt && \
 cd /opt && \
 curl -sLo statsd.tar.gz https://github.com/etsy/statsd/archive/v0.7.2.tar.gz && \
 tar -xzf statsd.tar.gz && \
 mv statsd-0.7.2 statsd

# Install Python packages for Graphite
RUN pip install graphite-api[sentry] whisper carbon

# Optional install graphite-api caching
# http://graphite-api.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html#extra-dependencies
# RUN pip install -y graphite-api[cache]

# Configuration
# Graphite configs
ADD carbon.conf /opt/graphite/conf/carbon.conf
ADD storage-schemas.conf /opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas.conf
ADD storage-aggregation.conf /opt/graphite/conf/storage-aggregation.conf
# Supervisord
ADD supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
# StatsD
ADD statsd_config.js /etc/statsd/config.js
# Graphite API
ADD graphite-api.yaml /etc/graphite-api.yaml
# uwsgi
ADD uwsgi.conf /etc/uwsgi.conf
# nginx
ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
ADD basic_auth /etc/nginx/basic_auth

# nginx
# graphite-api
8080 \
# Carbon line receiver
2003 \
# Carbon pickle receiver
2004 \
# Carbon cache query
7002 \
# StatsD UDP
8125 \
# StatsD Admin

# Launch stack
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]

The other component we need is Grafana, which we don’t actually build but pull from the Dockerhub registry and inject our custom volume to.  This is all captured in our docker-compose.yml file listed below.

  build: ./docker-graphite
  restart: always
    - "8080:80"
    - "8125:8125/udp"
    - "8126:8126"
    - "2003:2003"
    - "2004:2004"
    - "/data/graphite:/opt/graphite/storage/whisper"

  image: grafana/grafana
  restart: always
    - "80:3000"
    - "/data/grafana:/var/lib/grafana"
    - graphite

We have open sourced our configuration and placed it on github so you can take a look at it to get a better idea of the configs and how everything is working with some working examples.  The github repo is a quick way to try out the stack without having to provision and build an environment to run this on.  If you are just interested in kicking the tires I suggest starting with the github repo.

The build directive above corresponds to the repo on github.

The last components is actually running the Docker containers.  As you can see we use docker-compose but we also need a way to start the containers automatically after a disruption like a reboot or something.  That is actually pretty easy.  On an Ubuntu (or system using upstart) you can create an init script to start up docker-compose or restart it automatically if it has problems.  Here I have created a file called /etc/init/graphite.conf with the following configuraiton.

description "Graphite"
start on filesystem and started docker
stop on runlevel [!2345]
chdir /home/user
exec docker-compose up

A systemd service would achieve a similar goal but the version of Ubuntu used here doesn’t leverage systemd.

After everything has been dropped in place and configured you can check your work by testing out Grafana by hitting the public IP address of your server.  If you hit the Grafana splash page everything should be working!

Grafana dashboard












There are many pieces to this puzzle and honestly we don’t have the requirement of having Graphite be 100% available and redundant so we can get away with a single server for our needs.  A separate EBS volume and Terraform allow us to rebuild the server quickly and automatically if something were to happen to the server.  Also, the way we have designed Graphite to run will be able to handle a substantial workload without falling over.  But if you are doing anything cool with Graphite HA or resiliency I would like to hear how you are doing it, there is always room for improvement.

If you are just interested in trying out the Graphite stack I highly suggest going over to the github repo and running the container stack to play around with the components, especially if you are interested in learning about how statsd and graphite collect metrics.  The Grafana interface give you a nice way to tap in to the metrics that get pumped in to Graphite.

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Uchiwa dashboard for Sensu

Recently the new Uchiwa dashboard redesign for Sensu was released, and it is awesome.  It’s hard to describe how much of a leap forward this most recent release is, but it finally feels like Sensu is as “complete” and polished product as other open source and commercial products that exist.  And if you haven’t heard of Sensu yet you are missing out.  As described on the website sensuapp.org. Sensu is an open source monitoring framework.  Instead of the traditional monolithic type of monitoring solutions (cough Nagios cough) that typically come to mind, the design of Sensu allows for a more more scalable and distributed approach to monitoring which hasn’t really been done before and offers a number of benefits, including  a variety of dashboards to choose from.

Sensu touts itself as a “monitoring router”, which is a much more intuitive approach to monitoring once your wrap your head around the concept and leave the monolithic idea alone.  For example, you can plug in different components to your monitoring solution very easily with Sensu, and you aren’t tied to one solution.  If you need graphing and analytics you can choose from any number of existing solutions, Graphite, hosted Graphite, DataDog, NewRelic, etc. and more importantly, if something isn’t working as well as you’d like you can simply rip it out the component that isn’t working in favor of something that fits your needs better. Meaning it adds flexibility. no more hammering square blocks in to round holes.  Sensu also offers nice scalability features, since all of the pieces are loosely coupled you don’t need to worry about scaling the entire beast, you can pick and choose which pieces to scale and when.  Sensu itself is also scalable.  Since the backbone of Sensu relies on RabbitMQ (soon to be opened up to other message queueing services), the busier it gets, simply cluster or add nodes to your RabbitMQ cluster.  Granted, RabbitMQ isn’t exactly the easiest thing to scale, but it is possible.

With its distributed nature, Sensu by default is just a monitor.  In the beginning, that meant either writing your own dashboard to communicate with Sensu server or using the default dashboard.  As the ecosystem has evolved, the default dashboard has not been able to keep up with the evolution of Sensu and the needs of those using it.

Traditionally in the monitoring world, if you are not familiar, design and usability have not exactly been high priorities with regards to dashboards, graphics and GUI’s in the majority of tools that exist.  Although that fact is changing somewhat with some of the newer cloud tools like DataDog and NewRelic, the only problem is that those solution are commercial and can become expensive.  The bane of the open source solutions, at least for me,  is how ugly the dashboards and user experiences have been (the Sensu default dashboard was an exception).  But, the latest release of Uchiwa for Sensu has really changed the game in my opinion.  It is much more modern and elegant.

We have gone from this:

Nagios dashboard


To this:

uchiwa dashboard


Which one would you rather use?  It is much easier to use and is much more elegant.  The main dashboard (pictured above) gives a nice 1,000 ft view of what is going on in your environment.  It is easy to quickly check the dashboard for any issues going on in your environment.

In addition to the home view, there is a nice checks view to get a glimpse of pretty much everything that’s going on in your environment.  Sometimes with a large number of checks it is very easy to forget what exactly is happening so this is a nice way to double check.

Uchiwa checks


As well, there is another similar view for checking clients.  One small but very nice piece of info here is that it will display the Sensu client version for each host.  If there are any issues with a host it is easy to tell from here.

Uchiwa clients


You can also drill down in to any of these hosts to get a better picture of what exactly is going on.  It will show you exactly which checks are being run for the host as well as some other very hand information.

uchiwa details


From this page you can even select an individual check and see exactly how it is set up and behaving.  It is easy to silence a single alert of all alerts for a client.  Just click on the sound icon in any context to silence or unsilence an alert or an entire client.  This has been handy for minimizing alert spam when doing maintenance on specific hosts.

Sensu check


One last handy feature is the info page.  From here you can check out some of the Sensu server info as well as Uchiwa settings.  This is also good for troubleshooting.

Info page


That pretty much covers the highlights of the new UI.  As I have said, I am very excited for this release because this is an awesome GUI and there are going to be some really interesting improvements and additions in the future for Uchiwa which will make it an even stronger and more compelling reason to make the switch to Sensu and Uchiwa if you haven’t already.

If you have direct questions about the post, you comment here.  Otherwise, the best place to get help with most of this stuff is probably the #sensu channel on IRC.  That’s where the majority of the project contributors hang out.  You can check out the Uchiwa code as well if you’d like over on Github.  If you ever have issues with the dashboard that is the place to go, I would suggest browsing through the issues and if you can’t find a solution then create a new issue.  Don’t hesitate to jump in to any of the discussions either.  The author is very friendly and helpful and is very quick to respond to issues.  One final helpful resource is the Sensu docs.  Make sure you are looking at the correct version of Sensu according to the documentation, there are still enough changes occurring that the docs still have some differences between them and can get new users fumbled up.

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Chef data bags with Test Kitchen

As a step towards integrating your Chef cookbooks with Jenkins CI and your testing/release pipeline it is important to make sure that local changes pass unit and integration tests before being accepted and committed into version control.  For example, when running test kitchen it is important to fully simulate what data bags and encrypted data bags are doing on a local box for many tests to pass correctly.  So, today I would like to focus on a stumbling block towards Jenkins and integration testing that I ran in to recently.  There are a few lessons that I learned along the way that I would like to share to help clarify things a little bit because there wasn’t much good info out there on how to do this.

First, I need to give credit where it is due.  This post was a great resource in my journey to find a solution to my test kitchen data bag issue.

The largest roadblock I found along the way was that the version of test kitchen I was using was being shipped with chef-solo as the primary driver.  There has been a lot of discussion around this topic lately and (from what I understand) has pretty much become the general consensus within the Chef community that chef-solo should be replaced by chef-zero.  There are a number of advantages to using chef-zero instead of chef-solo, including a lesson I learned the hard way, which is that chef-zero has the ability to act as a stand alone Chef server – unlocking the ability to store data bags and encrypted data bags without having to do any sort of wacky hacking to get Chef to compile and converge correctly.

There was a good post written recently that expounds more on the benefits of using chef-zero instead of chef-solo.  It is here, and is definitely worth the read if you are interested in learning more about the benefits of chef-zero.

So with that knowledge in mind, here is what a newly updated sample .kitchen.yml file might look like:

 name: vagrant 
 name: chef_zero 
 - name: ubuntu-13.10-i386 
 - name: centos-6.4-i386 
 - name: default 
 data_bags_path: "test/integration/data_bags" 
 - recipe[recipe-to-test] 

It’s a pretty straight forward config.  The biggest change that you will notice in this config is that instead of using chef-solo as the provisioner it has been changed to chef-zero – I now know that it makes all the difference in the world.  The next big change to observe is the data_bags_path in the suites section.  This bit of configuration basically tells the Chef provisioner to go look at the specified file path when chef-zero spins up and use that to store data bag, encrypted data bag or other information that potentially would live on the Chef server that client’s would use.

So in the test/integration/data_bags directory I have a directory and json file inside that directory for the specific data I am interested in, called sensu/ssl.json.  This file essentially contains the same information that is stored on the Chef server about the ssl certificates used for live hosts in the production environment, just mirrored into a sandbox/integration testing environment.

If you’re interested, here is a sample of what the  ssl.json file might look like:

 "id": "ssl", 
 "server": { 
 "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----gM
 "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM
 "cacert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM
 "client": { 
 "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----gM
 "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM

Note that the “id” is “ssl”.  As far as I know the file name must match up to the id when you are creating this json file.

Now you should be able to create and converge your test recipe with test kitchen:

kitchen create ubuntu
kitchen converge ubuntu

If you have any difficulty, let me know.  I tried to be thorough in this write up but could have accidentally skipped important information.  The main keys or takeaways though should be 1) use chef-zero wherever possible and 2) make sure you have your data bag paths and files created correctly and referenced correctly in your .kitchen.yml file.  Finally, if you are still having issues, make sure you have triple checked the spelling and json syntax of your paths and configs.

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Leveraging Nagios Plugins with Chef and Sensu

Setting up Nagios plugins to run in a Sensu and Chef managed environment is straightforward and uncomplicated. For example, I recently have been interested in monitoring SSL certificate date expiration and it just so happens that the Nagios check_http plugin does exactly what I’m looking for.

The integration between Sensu and the Nagios plugins is very nice.  For convenience in our Sensu environment, we like to put the additional Nagios plugins on to all of the systems we monitor because the footprint is negligible and it allows for some nice flexibility of services and checks to monitor should an additional service get added to a server in the future that we hadn’t anticipated.  For the amount of effort it takes to get the checks onto the server and to get working, adding the Nagios plugins is totally worth the effort.

The first step is to add the Nagios plugins to your Chef recipe.  I am using a generic Chef recipe for my Sensu clients that takes care of some of the more tedious tasks including downloading the appropriate scripts and checks for the clients to run as well as some other dependencies and items that Sensu likes to have.  Luckily there is a public Debian package available for installing the Nagios plugins so it easy to add them.  Just add this snippet into your Chef recipe for Sensu clients:

apt_package "nagios-plugins" do 
 action :install 

After you run your next chef-client job you will have access to a variety of checks provided by the Nagios plugins package as illustrated below.

nagios checks

There are a number of examples available but to run the check_http for cert expiration by hand you can run this command:

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H <sitename> -C 30,10

Where <sitename> is the URL of the website you would like to check.  Now that we are able to run this check manually, go ahead and roll that in to your Chef recipe for Sensu.  An example of this might look similar to the following:

sensu_check "check_web" do 
  command "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H localhost -C 30,10" 
  handlers ["pagerduty", "slack"] 
  subscribers ["core"] 
  interval 60
  standalone true
  additional(:notification => "Certificate will expire soon", :occurrences => 5) 

You may not want to run this check on every host so it may be a good idea to run this check as a stand alone check.  It is simple enough to add this snippet in to any recipe and tack on the “standalone true” attribute to the sensu_check resource.  I have an example of what this standalone attribute looks like in the example above for reference.

Adding in Nagios plugins gives you a very nice set of additional tools to add to your monitoring arsenal for not that much effort.  You never know when something from the Nagios plugins might come in handy so I suggest you try them out.  There are many other uses for the Nagios plugins so I suggest taking a look.

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