Generate a Let’s Encrypt certificate using DNS challenge

UPDATE:  The script has been renamed to dehydrated.  Make sure you are using the updated dehydrated script if you are following this guide.

The Let’s Encrypt project has recently unveiled support for the DNS-01 challenge type for issuing certificates and the official Let’s Encrypt project added support with the recent addition of this PR on Github, which enables challenge support  on the server side of things but does not enable the challenge in the client (yet).  This is great news for those that are looking for more flexibility and additional options when creating and manage LE certificates.  For example, if you are not running a web server and rely strictly on having a DNS record to verify domain ownership, this new DNS challenge option is a great alternative.

I am still learning the ins and outs of LE but so far it has been an overwhelmingly positive experience.  I feel like tools like LE will be the future of SSL and certificate creation and management, especially as the ecosystem evolves more in the direction of automation and various industries continue to push for higher levels of security.

One of the big issues with implementing DNS support into a LE client as it currently stands is the large range of public DNS providers that have no standardized API support.  It becomes very difficult to automate the process of issuing and renewing certificates with the lack of standardization and API’s using LE.  The project mentioned below is nice because it has implemented support for a few of the common DNS providers (AWS, CloudFlare, etc.) as hooks which allow the client to connect to their API’s and create the necessary DNS records.  Additionally, if support for a DNS provider doesn’t exist it is easy to add it by creating your own custom hooks. is a nice choice because it is flexible and just works.  It is essentially an implementation of the LE client, written in bash.  This is an attractive option because it is well documented, easy to download and use and is also very straight forward.  To use the DNS feature you will need to create a hook, which is responsible for placing the correct challenge in your DNS record.

Here is an example hook that is used for connecting with AWS Route53 for issuing certificates for subdomains.  After downloading the example hook script, you need to run a few commands to get things working.  You can grab it with the following command.

curl -o route53.rb
chmod +x route53.rb

You also need to make sure you have the Ruby dependencies installed on your system for the script to work.  The process of installing gems is pretty simple but there was an issue with the version of awesome_print at the time I made this so I had to install a specific version to get things working.  Otherwise, the installation of the other gems was straight forward.  NOTE: These gems are specific to the rout53.rb script.  If you use another hook that doesn’t require these dependencies you can skip the gems installations.

sudo gem install awesome_print -v 1.6.0
sudo gem install aws-sdk
sudo gem install pry
sudo gem install domainatrix

After you install the dependencies, you can run the letsencrypt script .


You can see a few different options in this command.

The following command specifies the domain in the command (rather than adding a domains.txt file to reference), the custom hook that we have downloaded, and specifies the type of challenge to use, which is the dns-01 challenge.

./ --cron --domain --hook ./route53.rb --challenge dns-01

Make sure you have your AWS credentials configured, otherwise the certificate creation will fail.  Here’s what the output of a successful certificate creation might look like.

# !! WARNING !! No main config file found, using default config!
 + Signing domains...
 + Generating private key...
 + Generating signing request...
 + Requesting challenge for
 Stage: deploy_challenge
Challenge: yabPBE9YvPXGFjslRtqXh-qK27QlWQgFlTusqcDzUMQ
 :change_info => {
 :id => "/change/C3K8MHKLB6IRKZ",
 :status => "PENDING",
 :submitted_at => 2016-08-08 17:54:50 UTC
 + Responding to challenge for
 Stage: clean_challenge
 :change_info => {
 :id => "/change/CE90OICFSN00C",
 :status => "PENDING",
 :submitted_at => 2016-08-08 17:55:15 UTC
 + Challenge is valid!
 + Requesting certificate...
 + Checking certificate...
 + Done!
 + Creating fullchain.pem...
 Stage: deploy_cert
 Certs: /Users/jmreicha/test/
 + Done!

The entire process of creation and verification should take less than a minute and when it’s done will drop out a certificate for you.

Here is a dump of the commands used to get from 0 to issuing a certficiate with the dns-01 challenge, assuming you already have AWS set up and configured.

git clone
cd letsencrypt
curl -o route53.rb
chmod +x route53.rb
sudo gem install aws-sdk pry domainitrix awesome_print:1.6.0
./ --cron --domain --hook ./route53.rb --challenge dns-01


There are other LE clients out there that are working on implementing DNS support including LEGO and Let’s Encrypt (now called certbot), with more clients adding the additional support and functionality all the time.  I like the script because it is simple, easy to use, and it just works out of the box,with only a few tweaks needed.

As mentioned above, I have a feeling that automated certificates are the future as automation is becoming increasingly more common for these traditionally manual types of administration tasks.  Getting to know how to issue certificates automatically and learning how to use the tooling to create them is a great skill to have for any DevOps or operations person moving forward.

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Setting up a Jenkins 2.0 pipeline


The new Jenkins pipeline integration in 2.0 is pretty awesome and is a great way to add more automation to Jenkins.In this post we will set up Jenkins so that we can write our own custom libraries for Jenkins to use with the pipeline.

One huge benefit of the new pipeline integration in to the core components of Jenkins is the idea of a Jenkinsfile, which enables a way to automatically execute Jenkins jobs on the repo automatically, similar to the way TravisCI works.  Simply place a Jenkinsfile in the root of the repo that you wish to automate, set up your webhook so that events to GitHub automatically trigger the Jenkins job and let Jenkins take care of the build.

There are a few very good guides for getting this functionality setup.

Unfortunately, while these guides/docs are very informative and useful they are somewhat confusing to new users and glaze over a few important steps and details that took me longer than it should have to figure out and understand.  Therefore the focus will be on some of the details that the mentioned guides lack, especially setting up the built in Jenkins Git repo for accessing and working with the custom pipeline libraries.


There are many great resources out there already for getting a Jenkins server up and running.  For the purposes of this post it will be assumed that you have already create and setup a Jenkins instance, using one of the other Digital Ocean [tutorials](

The first step to getting the pipeline set up, again assuming you have already installed Jenkins 2.0 from one of the guides linked above, is to enable the Jenkins custom Git repo for housing unique pipeline libraries that we will write a little bit later on.  There is a section in the workflow plugin tutorial that explains it, but is one of the confusing areas and is buried in the documentation so it will be covered in more detailed below.

In order to be able to clone, read and write to the built in Jenkins Git repo, you will need to add your SSH public key to the server.  To do this, the first step will be to configure the server per the SSH plugin and configuring a port to connect to so that the repo can be cloned.  This can be found in Jenkins -> Configuration.  In this example I used port 2222.

ssh port configuration

As always security should be a concern, so make sure you have authentication turned on.  In this example, I am using GitHub authentication but the process will be similar for other authentication methods.  Also make sure you use best practices in locking down any external access by hardening SSH or using other ways of blocking access.

After the Git server has been configured, you will need to add the public key for your user in Jenkins.  This was another one of the confusing parts initially.   The section to add your personal SSH public key was buried in docs that were glossed over, the page can be found here.  The location in Jenkins to add this key is located here,<username>/configure


public ssh key

If you don’t know where your public SSH key is located you can get it from the following command.

cat ~/.ssh/

Just copy that certificate and paste it into The Public SSH Keys in the Jenkins menu.

Now that you have the built in Jenkins Git repo configured you can clone it via the instructions from the above tutorial.

git clone ssh://<jenkins_username>

Notice that we are using port 2222.  This is the port we configured via the SSH plugin from above.  The port number can be any port you like, just make sure to keep it consistent in the configuration and here.

Working with the pipeline

With the pipeline library repo cloned, we can write a simple function, and then add it back in to Jenkins.  By default the repo is called workflowLibs.  The basic structure of the repo is to place your custom functions is the vars directory.  Within the vars directory you will create a .groovy file for the function and a matching .txt file any documentation of the command you want to add.  In our example let’s create a hello function.

Create a hello.groovy and a hello.txt file.  Inside the hello.groovy file, add something similar to the following.

echo ‘Hello world!’

Go ahead and commit the hello.groovy file, don’t worry about the hello.txt file.

git add hello.groovy

git commit -m “Hello world example”

git push (You may need to set your upstream)

Obviously this function won’t do much.  Once you have pushed the new function you should be able to view it in the dropdown of pipeline functions in the Jenkins build configuration screen.

NOTE:  There is a nice little script testing plugin built in as part of the pipeline now called snippet-generator.  If you want to test out small scripts on your Jenkins server first before committing and pushing any local changes you can try out your script first in Jenkins.  To do this open up any of your Jenkins job configurations and then click the link that says “Pipeline syntax” towards the bottom of the page.

Pipeline configuration

Here’s what the snippet generator looks like.

snippet generator

From the snippet-generator you can build out quite a bit of the functionality that you might want to use as part of your pipeline.

Configuring the job

There are a few different options for setting up Jenkins pipelines.  The most common types are the Pipeline or the Multibranch Pipeline.  The Pipeline implements all of the scripting capabilities that have been covered so that the power of the Groovy scripting language can be leveraged in the Jenkins job as well as things like application life cycles (via stages) which makes CI/CD much easier.

The Multibranch Pipeline augments the functionality of the Pipeline by adding in the ability to index branches from SCM so that different branches can be easily built and tested.  The Multibranch Pipeline is especially useful for larger projects that have many developers and feature branches being worked on because each one of the branches can be tracked separately so developers don’t need to worry as much about overlapping with others work.

Taking the pipeline functionality one step further, it is possible to create a Jenkinsfile with all of the needed pipeline code inside of a repo that so that it can be built automatically.  The Jenkinsfile basically is used as a blueprint used to describe the how and what of a project for its build process and can leverage any custom groovy functions that you have written that are on the Jenkins server.

Using a the combination of a GitHub webhook and a Jenkinsfile in a Git repo it is easy to automatically tell your Jenkins server to kick off a build every time a commit or PR happens in GitHub.

Let’s take a look at what an example Jenkinsfile might look like.

node {

stage ‘Checkout’

// Checkout logic goes here

stage ‘Build’

// Build logic goes here

stage ‘Test’

// Test logic goes here

stage ‘Deploy’

// Deploy logic goes here


This Jenkinsfile defines various “stages”, which will run through a set of functions described in each stage every time a commit has been pushed or a PR has been opened for a given project.  One workflow, as shown above, is to segment the job into build, test, push and deploy stages.  Different projects might require different stages so it is nice to have granular control of what the job is doing on a per repo basis.

Bonus: Github Webhooks

Configuring webhooks in GitHub is pretty easy as well.  SCM is fairly standard these days for storing source code and there are a number of different Git management tools so the steps should be very similar if using a tool other than GitHub.  Setting up a webhook in GitHub can be configured to trigger a Jenkins pipeline build when either a commit is pushed to a branch, like master, or a PR is created for a branch.  The advantages of using webhooks should be pretty apparent, as builds are created automatically and can be configured to output their results to various different communication channels like email or Slack or a number of other chat tools.  The webhooks are the last step in automating the new pipeline features.

If you haven’t already, you will need to enable the GitHub plugin ( in order to use the GitHub webhooks.  No extra configuration should be needed out of the box after installing the plugin.

To configure the webhook, first make sure there is a Jenkinsfile in the root directory of the project.  After the Jenkinsfile is in place you will need to set up the webhook.  Navigate to the project settings that you would like to create a webhook for, select ‘Settings’ -> ‘Webhooks & services’ .  From here there is a button to add a new webhook.

adding a webhook

Change the Payload URL to point at the Jenkins server, update the Content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and leave the secret section blank.  All the other defaults should be fine.

After adding the webhook, create or update the associated job in Jenkins.  Make sure the new job is configured as either a pipeline or multibranch pipeline type.

pipeline job

In the job configuration point Jenkins at the GitHub URL of the project.

configure the job

Also make sure to select the build trigger to ‘Build when a change is pushed to GitHub’.

more configuration

You may need to configure credentials if you are using private GitHub repos.  This step can be done in Jenkins by navigating to ‘Manage Jenkins’ -> ‘Credentials’ -> ‘Global’.  Then Choose ‘Add Credentials’ and select the SSH key used in conjunction with GitHub.  After the credentials have been set up there should be an option when configuring jobs to use the SSH key to authenticate with GitHub.


Writing the Jenkinsfiles and custom libraries can take a little bit of time initially to get the hang of but are very powerful.  If you already have experience writing Groovy, then writing these functions and files should be fairly straight forward.

The move towards pipelines brings about a number of nice features.  First, you can keep track of your Jenkins job definition simply by adding a Jenkinsfile to a repo, so you get all of the nice benefits of history and version tracking and one central place to keep your build configurations.  Because groovy is such a flexible language, pipelines give developers and engineers more options and creativity in terms of what their build jobs can do.

One gotcha of this process is that there isn’t a great workflow yet for working with the library functions, so there is a lot of trial and error to get custom functionality working correctly.  One good way to debug is to set up a test job and watch for errors in the console output when you trigger a build for it.  The combination of the snippet generator script tester though this process has become much easier.

Another thing that can be tricky is the Groovy sandbox.  It is mostly and annoyance and I would not suggest turning it off, just be aware that it exists and often times needs to be worked around.

There are many more features and things that you can do with the Pipeline so I encourage readers to go out and explore some of the possibilities, the docs linked to above are a good place for exploring many of these features.  As the pipeline matures, more and more plugins are adding the ability to be configured via the pipeline workflow, so if something isn’t possible right now it probably will be very soon.

Happy Jenkins pipelining!

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Bootstrap servers to a Rancher environment

If you’re not familiar already, Rancher is an orchestration and scheduling tool for containers.  I have written a little bit about Rancher in the past but haven’t covered much on the specifics about how to manage a Rancher environment.  One cool thing about Rancher is its “single pane of glass” approach to managing servers and containers, which allows users and admins to quickly and easily manage complicated environments.  In this post I’ll be covering how to quickly and automatically add servers to your Rancher environment.

One of the manual steps that can(and in my opinion should) be automated is the server bootstrapping process.  The Rancher web interface allows users to add hosts across different cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCE, etc) and importantly the ability to add a custom host.  This custom host registration is the piece that allows us to automate the host addition process by exposing a registration token via the Rancher API.  One important thing to note if you are going to be adding hosts automatically is that you will need to actually create the entries necessary in the environment that you bootstrap servers to.  So for example, if you create a new environment you will either need to programatically hit the API or in the web interface navigate to Infrastructure -> Add Host to populate the necessary tokens and entries.

Once you have populated the API with the values needed, you will need to create an API token to allow the server(s) that are bootstrapping to connect to the Rancher server to add themselves.  If you haven’t done this before, in the environment you’d like to allow access to navigate to API -> Add Environment API Key -> name it and make a note of key that gets generated.

rancher api

That’s pretty much all of the prep work you need to do to your Rancher environment for this method to work.  The next step is to make a script to bootstrap a server when it gets created.  The logic for this bootstrap process can be boiled down to the following snippet.


INTERNAL_IP=$(ip add show eth0 | awk '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1 | head -1)

RANCHER_URL=$(curl -su $TOKEN $SERVER/v1/registrationtokens?projectId=$PROJID | head -1 | grep -nhoe 'registrationUrl[^},]*}' | egrep -hoe 'https?:.*[^"}]')

docker run \
  -e CATTLE_HOST_LABELS='your=label' \
  -d --privileged --name rancher-bootstrap \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  rancher/agent:$AGENT_VER $RANCHER_URL

The script is pretty straight forward.  It attempts to gather the internal IP address of the server being created, so that it can add it to the Rancher environment with a unique name.  Note that there are a number of variables that need to get set to reflect.   One that uses the DNS name of the Rancher server, one for the token that was generated in the step above and one for the project ID, which can be found by navigating to the Environment and then looking at the URL for /env/xxxx.

After we have all the needed information and updated the script, we can curl the Rancher server (this won’t work if you didn’t populate the API in the steps above or if your keys are invalide) with the registration token.  Finally, start a docker container with the agent version set (check your Rancher server version and match to that) along with the URL obtained from the curl command.

The final step is to get the script to run when the server is provisioned.  There are many ways to do this and this step will vary depending a number of different factors,  but in this post I am using Cloud-init for CoreOS on AWS.  Cloud-init is used to inject the script into the server and then create a systemd service to run the script the first time the server boots and use the result of the script to run the Rancher agent which allows the server to be picked up by the Rancher server and its environment.

Here is the logic to run the script when the server is booted.


  - name: rancher-agent.service
    command: start
    content: |
      Description=Rancher Agent


The full version of the cloud-init file can be found here.

After you provision your server and give it a minute to warm up and run the script, check your Rancher environment to see if your server has popped up.  If it hasn’t, the first place to start looking is on the server itself that was just created.  Run docker logs -f rancher-agent to get information about what went wrong.  Usually the problem is pretty obvious.

A brand new server looks something like this.

bootstrapped server

I typically use Terraform to provision these servers but I feel like covering Terraform here is a little bit out of scope.  You can image some really interesting possibilities with auto scaling groups and load balancers that can come and go as your environment changes, one of the beauties of disposable infrastructure as well as infrastructure as code.

If you are interested in seeing how this Rancher bootstrap process fits in with Terraform let me know and I’ll take a stab at writing up a little piece on how to get it working.

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Enable SSL for your WordPress blog

Updated: 11/18/16

The Let’s Encrypt client was recently renamed to “certbot”.  I have updated the post to use the correct name but if I miss something use certbot or let me know.

With the announcement of the public beta of the Let’s Encrypt project, it is now nearly trivial to get your site set up with an SSL certificate.  One of the best parts about the Let’s Encrypt project is that it is totally free, so there is pretty much no reason to protect your blog set up with an SSL certificate.  The other nice part of Let’s Encrypt is that it is very easy to get your certificate issued.

The first step to get started is grabbing the latest source code from GitHub for the project.  Log on to your WordPress server (I’m running Ubuntu) and clone the repo.  Make sure to install git if you haven’t already.

git clone

There is a shell script you can run to pretty much do everything for you, including installation of any packages and libraries it needs as well as configures paths and other components it needs to work.

cd certbot

After the bootstrap is done there should be some CLI options.  Run the command with the -h flag to print out help.

./certbot-auto -h

Since I am using Apache for my blog I will use the “–apache” option.

./certbot-auto --apache

There will be some prompts you need to go through for setting up the certificates and account creation.

let's encrypt






This process is still somewhat error prone, so if you make a typo you can just rerun the “./letsencrypt-auto” command and follow the prompts.

The certificates will be dropped in to /etc/letsencrypt/live/<website>.  Go double check them if needed.

This process will also generate a new apache configuration file for you to use.  You can check for the file in /etc/apache2/site-enabled.  The import part of this config should look similar to the following:

<VirtualHost *:443>
  UseCanonicalName Off
  ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
  DocumentRoot /var/www/wordpress
  SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
  SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

As a side note, you will probably want to redirect non https requests to use the encrypted connection.  This is easy enough to do, just go find your .htaccess file (mine was in /var/www/wordpress/.htaccess) and add the following rules.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

Before we restart Apache with the new configuration let’s run a quick configtest to make sure it all works as expected.

apachectl configtest

If everything looks okay in the configtest then you can reload or restart apache.

service apache2 restart

Now when you visit your site you should get the nice shiny green lock icon on the address bar.  It is important to remember that the certificates issued by the Let’s Encrypt project are valid for 90 days so you will need to make sure to keep up to date and generate new certificates every so often.  The Let’s Encrypt folks are working on automating this process but for now you will need to manually generate new certificates and reload your web server.

let's encrypt















That’s it.  Your site should now be functioning with SSL.

Updating the certificate automatically

To take this process one step further We can make a script that can be run via cron (or manually) to update the certificate.

Here’s what the script looks like.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

https="--standalone-supported-challenges tls-sni-01"

# Using webroot method
#/root/letsencrypt/certbot-auto --renew certonly --server $acme_server -a webroot --webroot-path=$dir -d $domain --agree-tos

# Using standalone method
service apache2 stop
# Previously you had to specify options to renew the cert but this has been deprecated
#/root/letsencrypt/certbot-auto --renew certonly --standalone $https -d $domain --agree-tos
# In newer versions you can just use the renew command
/root/letsencrypt/certbot-auto renew --quiet
service apache start

Notice that I have the “webroot” method commented out.  I run a service (Varnish) on port 80 that proxies traffic but also interferes with LE so I chose to run the standalone renewal method.  It is pretty easy, the main difference is that you need to turn off Apache before you run it since Apache binds to to ports 80/443.  But the downtime is okay in my case.

I chose to put the script in to a cron job and have it run every 45 days so that I don’t have to worry about logging on to my server to regenerate the certificate.  Here’s what a sample crontab for this job might look like.

0 0 */45 * * /root/

This is a straight forward process and will help with your search engine juices as well.

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Set up SSL for Rancher Server

One issue you will probably run across if you start to use Rancher to manage your Docker containers is that it doesn’t serve pages over an encrypted connection by default.  If you are looking to put Rancher in to a production scenario, it is a good idea to serve encrypted pages.  HA is another topic, but at this point I have not attempted to set it up yet because it is a much more complicated process currently.  The Rancher folks are working on making HA easier in the near future (if you know an easy way to do it I would love to hear about it).  I would argue though that if you can set up SSL for your Rancher server you are over half way to a full production set up.

The process of getting Rancher to proxy through an encrypted connection is straight forward, assuming you already have some certs to use.  If you don’t already have any official certificates issued *I think* you should be okay with self signed certs, but you won’t get that green lock that everybody loves.  Definitely if you are just testing this set up you should be fine to start out with some self signed certs.  Here is a reference for creating some certs for Nginx to test with.

Another important thing to be aware of is that these instructions are specific to the Nginx method outline above.  I have not tried the Apache method, though I would guess it should be very easy to adapt.

Take a look at the Rancher docs as a starting point for getting started, they are very good and will get you most of the way there.  However, when I went through this process there were a few pieces of information that I had to piece together myself, which is the bulk of what I will be sharing today.

The first step is to adapt the configuration in the docs in to a full Nginx config that can be dropped in to the official Nginx image from Dockerhub.  Here is the config I used.

upstream rancher {
    server rancher-server:8080;

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    ssl_certificate /etc/rancher/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/rancher/;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_pass http://rancher;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        # This allows the ability for the execute shell window to remain open for up to 15 minutes. Without this parameter, the default is 1 minute and will automatically close.
        proxy_read_timeout 900s;

server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

There are a few important things to note about this config.   One is naming the upstream the same name as what the rancher server container is named, in this case rancher-server.

Note that I have used as the server name and so the certs and names are all reflective of that value.  Obviously that will need to be updated with your own values.

Finally, we have added an additional logging section to the config that will pipe the logs to stdout/stderr so we can easily look at the requests from the host OS via the “docker logs” command.

To get the following Docker run command to work correctly you will want to create a directory called /etc/rancher or something easy to remember, and place this config (named as rancher-nginx.conf), along with the certs you have created in to this location.  Alternately you can modify the Docker run command and simply have the volume mounts pointed at the location you store the configuration and certs.  For me, it makes the most sense to group these items together in /etc/rancher.

docker run -d --restart=always --name nginx 
    -v /etc/rancher/rancher-nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    -v /etc/rancher/
    -v /etc/rancher/
    -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --link=rancher-server nginx

This will mount in the correct configuration and certificates to the Nginx docker container, expose port 80 and 443 for web traffic (make sure to adjust any firewall rules you need to get traffic to pass through these ports), and link to the rancher-server container so that the traffic can be proxied.

Additionally, you will need to update any reference to the old address that was using http://<rancher-name>:8080/ to point to https://<rancher-name>/.  Namely the host registration configuration in the Rancher server, but if you were relying on any other outside tools to hit that endpoint they will also need to be updated to use https instead.

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