Creating new a instance-store AMI for Amazon AWS EC2

This is a HOWTO build your own instance-store backed AMI image which is suitable for creating a Paid AMI. The motivation for doing this HOWTO is simple: I tried it, and it has a lot of little gotchas, so I want some notes for myself. This HOWTO assumes you’re familiar with launching EC2 instances, logging into them, and doing basic command line tasks.

Choosing a starting AMI

There’s a whole ton of AMIs available for use with EC2, but not quite so many which are backed by instance-store storage. Why’s that? Well, EBS is a lot more flexible and scalable. The instance-store images have a fairly limited size for their root partition. For my use case, this isn’t particularly important, and for many use cases, it’s trivial to mount some EBS volumes for persistant storage.

Amazon provides some of their Amazon Linux AMIs which are backed by EBS or instance-store, but they’re based on CentOS, and frankly, I’ve had so much troubles with CentOS in the past, that I just prefer my old standby: Ubuntu. Unfortunately, I had a lot of trouble finding a vanilla Ubuntu 12.04 LTS instance-store backed image through the AWS Console. They do exist, however, and they’re provided by Canonical. Thanks  guys!

Here’s a list of all the 12.04 Precise official AMIs:

Conveniently, there’s a Launch button right there for each AMI instance. Couldn’t be easier!

Installing the EC2 Tools

Once you’ve got an instance launched and you’re logged in and sudo‘d to root, you’ll need to install the EC2 API and AMI tools provided by Amazon. The first step is, of course, to download them. Beware! The tools available through the Ubuntu multiverse repositories are unfortunately out of date.

The latest EC2 API tools can be found here:

The latest EC2 AMI tools can be found here:

I like to copy the download link and use wget to download them rather than scp‘ing them from my client machine.

sudo su
mkdir -p /tmp/ec2-tools
cd /tmp/ec2-tools
wget -O ''
wget -O ''

Before we can install the EC2 tools, we need to install a few packages that our vanilla Ubuntu is lacking, namely zip and Java.

apt-get install zip
apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-lib
apt-get install ruby

Once we have those installed, we need to unzip our packages and install them to the /usr/local directory.

unzip "*.zip"
find . \( -name bin -o -name lib -o -name etc \) | \
    xargs -I path cp -r path /usr/local

Lastly we have to set the EC2_HOME and the JAVA_HOME environment variables for the EC2 tools to work properly. I like to do this by editing /etc/bash.bashrc so anyone on the machine can use the tools without issue.

echo -e "\nexport EC2_HOME=/usr/local\nexport JAVA_HOME=/usr\n" >> /etc/bash.bashrc

Once we log out and back in, those variables will be set, and the EC2 tools will be working.

# exit
$ sudo su
# ec2-version 2013-02-01

Customizing Your AMI

At this point, your machine should be all set for you to do whatever customization you need to do. Install libraries, configure boot scripts, create users, get your applications set up, anything at all. Once you’ve got a nice, stable (rebootable) machine going, then you can image it.

Bundling, Uploading and Registering your AMI

This is actually pretty easy, but I’ll still go through it. The Amazon documentation is fairly clear, and I recommend following along with that as well, as it explains all the options to each command.

Here’s the official Amazon documentation:

  1. Create an S3 bucket. This is where you’ll upload your AMI images. If you already have a bucket, you can use that.
  2. Download your AWS security certificates and copy your API keys. They can be found here:
  3. Copy your credentials to the instance you’re going to image. First, create a directory to store them in on your instance:
    mkdir -p /tmp/cert
    chmod 777 /tmp/cert
  4. Then copy them from the place you downloaded them on your client machine, to your instance:
    scp -i <keypair_name> pk-*.pem cert-*.pem ubuntu@<host_name>:/tmp/cert
  5. Bundle your instance image. The actual image bundle and manifest will end up in /tmp.
    cd /tmp/cert
    ec2-bundle-vol -k <private_keyfile> -c <certificate_file> \
        -u <user_id> -e <cert_location>
    cd /tmp
  6. Upload your bundled image. Note that <your-s3-bucket> should include a path that is unique to this image, such as my-bucket/ami/ubuntu/my-ami-1, otherwise things will get very messy for you, because an image consists of an image.manifest.xml file and many chunks which compose the image itself, which are generically named by default when you use this tool.
    ec2-upload-bundle -b <your-s3-bucket> -m <manifest_path> \
        -a <access_key> -s <secret_key>
  7. Register your new AMI.
    ec2-register <your-s3-bucket>/<path>/image.manifest.xml -n <image_name> \
        -O <your_access_key> -W <your_secret_key>

That’s it! You should be all set with a new AMI, which should also show up in the AWS Console.

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Make MacVim’s mvim script use tabs and play nice with the command line

tl;dr: Replace the mvim script with this modified version:

MacVim comes with a really sweet script called mvim, which lets you launch MacVim and edit files from the command line. Unfortunately, this script is a little weak in a few ways:

  • It doesn’t let you edit multiple files.
  • It doesn’t let you pass in command line options.
  • It doesn’t let you use new tabs for opening new files into an existing window.
  • It doesn’t let you pipe stdin into vim for viewing (great with diffs).

All those things are awesome, so let’s make the mvim script better! How do we do that?

Well, first we add some extra command line options parsing to detect if we’re in diff mode, if we’re using stdin, and to preserve options for passing back into MacVim later. At Line 60 we add the following:

# Add new flags for different modes
# Preserve command line options lazily
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
  case $1 in 
  -d) diffmode=true; shift;;
  -?*) opts="$opts $1"; shift;;
  -) stdin=true; break;;
  *) echo "*"; break;; 

This is a pretty normal bash argument getting loop. We look for -d (diff mode) and – (stdin) separate from other arguments. We also need to modify the command that starts MacVim to handle our different modes, etc. So we replace that command (originally on line 69):

# Last step:  fire up vim.
# The program should fork by default when started in GUI mode, but it does
# not; we work around this when this script is invoked as "gvim" or "rgview"
# etc., but not when it is invoked as "vim -g".
if [ "$gui" ]; then
	# Note: this isn't perfect, because any error output goes to the
	# terminal instead of the console log.
	# But if you use open instead, you will need to fully qualify the
	# path names for any filenames you specify, which is hard.
	exec "$binary" -g $opts ${1:+"$@"}
	exec "$binary" $opts ${1:+"$@"}

With this better command:

# Last step:  fire up vim.
# The program should fork by default when started in GUI mode, but it does
# not; we work around this when this script is invoked as "gvim" or "rgview"
# etc., but not when it is invoked as "vim -g".
if [ "$gui" ]; then
  # Note: this isn't perfect, because any error output goes to the
  # terminal instead of the console log.
  # But if you use open instead, you will need to fully qualify the
  # path names for any filenames you specify, which is hard.

  # Handle stdin
  if $stdin; then
    exec "$binary" -g $opts -
  elif $diffmode; then
    exec "$binary" -f -g -d $opts $*
  elif $tabs && [[ `$binary --serverlist` = "VIM" ]]; then
    #make macvim open stuff in the same window instead of new ones
    exec "$binary" -g $opts --remote-tab-silent ${1:+"$@"} & 
    exec "$binary" -g $opts ${1:+"$@"}
  exec "$binary" $opts ${1:+"$@"}

The first two branches are pretty clear – they just invoke the MacVim binary in the correct way, for our different modes. The third one uses the very awesome –remote-tab-silent option, which gives us the ability to reuse the same window with new tabs when we edit multiple files. Neato!

Finally, if you don’t want to do the modifications yourself, it’s available as a gist, so you can download it and use it as a drop-in replacement for the vanilla mvim script:

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Building a Better Bash Script

I often find myself writing a lot of bash scripts that wrap functionality of my services and programs in ways that make my job easier. While bash doesn’t lend itself well to traditional “inheriting” of program elements, it still is very helpful to build a toolbox of snippets, templates, and bits of script that let me assemble new scripts with tried and true methods to get things done.

One of the hardest things to do well in bash is parsing command line options in a consistent cross platform way. The template below shows an example of how to do this that allows for short, long and positional options.

The template uses getopt to normalize short options after parsing long options in a two pass approach. Using getopt transforms options into their canonical form – for example, the option string “-c foobar -laht -v” after being parsed by getopt, becomes “-c foobar -l -a -h -t -v”, allowing them to be handled more consistently.

The getopt string (stored in the variable “opts” below) consists of all the short option letters, with letters that take an argument (e.g. cmd -a foo) being followed by a colon. So if I had short options “a” and “b”, and “b” took an argument, my getopt string would be “ab:”.

# Option defaults

# Gets the command name without path
cmd(){ echo `basename $0`; }

# Help command output
echo "\
`cmd` [OPTION...]
-f, --flag; Set a flag
-o, --opt; Set an option with argument (default: $OPT)
-v, --verbose; Enable verbose output (include multiple times for more
             ; verbosity, e.g. -vvv)
" | column -t -s ";"

# Error message
    echo "`cmd`: invalid option -- '$1'";
    echo "Try '`cmd` -h' for more information.";
    exit 1;

# getopt string

# There's two passes here. The first pass handles the long options and
# any short option that is already in canonical form. The second pass
# uses `getopt` to canonicalize any remaining short options and handle
# them
for pass in 1 2; do
    while [ -n "$1" ]; do
        case $1 in
            --) shift; break;;
            -*) case $1 in
                -f|--flag)     FLAG=1;;
                -o|--opt)      OPT=$2; shift;;
                -v|--verbose)  VERBOSE=$(($VERBOSE + 1));;
                --*)           error $1;;
                -*)            if [ $pass -eq 1 ]; then ARGS="$ARGS $1";
                               else error $1; fi;;
            *)  if [ $pass -eq 1 ]; then ARGS="$ARGS $1";
                else error $1; fi;;
    if [ $pass -eq 1 ]; then ARGS=`getopt $opts $ARGS`
        if [ $? != 0 ]; then usage; exit 2; fi; set -- $ARGS

# Handle positional arguments
if [ -n "$*" ]; then
    echo "`cmd`: Extra arguments -- $*"
    echo "Try '`cmd` -h' for more information."
    exit 1

# Set verbosity
if [ "0$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then
    # Default, quiet
elif [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
    # Enable log messages
elif [ $VERBOSE -ge 2 ]; then
    # Enable high verbosity
elif [ $VERBOSE -ge 3 ]; then
    # Enable debug verbosity

The other interesting thing is that this template allows for multiple verbose flags (-v, -vv, -vvv, etc.) to specify different levels of verbosity – which can be a very handy thing for debugging a misbehaving script or controlling output from a subcommand.

Have other good tips for bash scripting? Share them in the comments!

View this template as a gist on github:

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