Chef data bags with Test Kitchen

As a step towards integrating your Chef cookbooks with Jenkins CI and your testing/release pipeline it is important to make sure that local changes pass unit and integration tests before being accepted and committed into version control.  For example, when running test kitchen it is important to fully simulate what data bags and encrypted data bags are doing on a local box for many tests to pass correctly.  So, today I would like to focus on a stumbling block towards Jenkins and integration testing that I ran in to recently.  There are a few lessons that I learned along the way that I would like to share to help clarify things a little bit because there wasn’t much good info out there on how to do this.

First, I need to give credit where it is due.  This post was a great resource in my journey to find a solution to my test kitchen data bag issue.

The largest roadblock I found along the way was that the version of test kitchen I was using was being shipped with chef-solo as the primary driver.  There has been a lot of discussion around this topic lately and (from what I understand) has pretty much become the general consensus within the Chef community that chef-solo should be replaced by chef-zero.  There are a number of advantages to using chef-zero instead of chef-solo, including a lesson I learned the hard way, which is that chef-zero has the ability to act as a stand alone Chef server – unlocking the ability to store data bags and encrypted data bags without having to do any sort of wacky hacking to get Chef to compile and converge correctly.

There was a good post written recently that expounds more on the benefits of using chef-zero instead of chef-solo.  It is here, and is definitely worth the read if you are interested in learning more about the benefits of chef-zero.

So with that knowledge in mind, here is what a newly updated sample .kitchen.yml file might look like:

 name: vagrant 
 name: chef_zero 
 - name: ubuntu-13.10-i386 
 - name: centos-6.4-i386 
 - name: default 
 data_bags_path: "test/integration/data_bags" 
 - recipe[recipe-to-test] 

It’s a pretty straight forward config.  The biggest change that you will notice in this config is that instead of using chef-solo as the provisioner it has been changed to chef-zero – I now know that it makes all the difference in the world.  The next big change to observe is the data_bags_path in the suites section.  This bit of configuration basically tells the Chef provisioner to go look at the specified file path when chef-zero spins up and use that to store data bag, encrypted data bag or other information that potentially would live on the Chef server that client’s would use.

So in the test/integration/data_bags directory I have a directory and json file inside that directory for the specific data I am interested in, called sensu/ssl.json.  This file essentially contains the same information that is stored on the Chef server about the ssl certificates used for live hosts in the production environment, just mirrored into a sandbox/integration testing environment.

If you’re interested, here is a sample of what the  ssl.json file might look like:

 "id": "ssl", 
 "server": { 
 "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----gM
 "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM
 "cacert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM
 "client": { 
 "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----gM
 "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----gM

Note that the “id” is “ssl”.  As far as I know the file name must match up to the id when you are creating this json file.

Now you should be able to create and converge your test recipe with test kitchen:

kitchen create ubuntu
kitchen converge ubuntu

If you have any difficulty, let me know.  I tried to be thorough in this write up but could have accidentally skipped important information.  The main keys or takeaways though should be 1) use chef-zero wherever possible and 2) make sure you have your data bag paths and files created correctly and referenced correctly in your .kitchen.yml file.  Finally, if you are still having issues, make sure you have triple checked the spelling and json syntax of your paths and configs.

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Review: Webmin Administrator’s Cookbook

webmin cookbookI just recently finished reading the Webmin Administrator’s Cookbook and thought I would share some of my thoughts and opinions about the book.  While I don’t typically review books on the blog I thought this would be a good opportunity to discuss a nice book.  This book is written by a very knowledgeable and credible author – Michal Karzynksi.  His background includes over a decade of experience as a developer in various programming languages as well as a scientific research background.

This book isa good read for everyone from seasoned veterans and professionals all the way down to aspiring and freshly minted admins.

The book itself covers a broad, inclusive set of topics, including logging, user management, backups, web server administration and many others.  The basic theme of the book uses the Webmin tool as a sort of framework to discuss and cover various administrative topics and tasks within the Webmin tool.  From their website, Webmin is described as follows:

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more.

This works out to be a perfect tool for aspiring sysadmins because it really does a nice job of cloaking a lot of the nitty gritty complexity and detail that can be overwhelming and confusing for new admins or users that are new or unfamiliar to the concepts and tooling that Webmin covers.  By using Webmin, one can learn about a large number of interesting topics without having to worry about how to type in all of the commands or how to install/configure the tools that come bundled up in Webmin.  This allows users to really increase their productivity.  Couple the Webmin tool with a cookbook of nice concrete examples and you have a great recipe for learning how to use a powerful tool correctly.

Wrapping such a broad spectrum of topics and tools into a web based tool can be a complicated.  But used as a reference material this book does a great job of making everything clear with good examples both of explaining how everything works together, as well as pictorial examples that really do a nice job of tying the written concepts together with concrete, real world usage.  Now is also a good time to mention that this book follows a nice pattern of organizing topics.  From the outset, the book starts with the more basic administrative topics and principles, covering each topic thoroughly with good description and solid examples.  The book progresses quite nicely through the different topics and eventually gets into and covers some of the more obscure topics.

The Webmin Administrator’s Cookbook does a nice job of combining many complex system administration topics into a nice, easy to follow and read reference guide that can be utilized by all different levels of Linux and administrative experience.  If you use Webmin in any capacity at all, this book would be a great reference and guide to help you be more productive in your day to day with this tool.

You can find more information about the book here.  While you are at it, check out the author, Michal Karzynski’s blog for more interesting and useful tips –

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Introduction to Grafana

Grafana is a beautiful dashboard for displaying various Graphite metrics through a web browser.  Grafana is nice because it is simple to set up and maintain and is easy to use and displays metrics in a very nice Kibana like display style.  I would like to walk readers through the basics of this tool because although it is a very new project (beginning of 2014) it has an enormous amount of potential and I honestly believe that there is enough functionality to put it into production.

The guys over at Hosted Graphite have just recently released hosted Grafana as part of their standard plan.  If you are interested you can check it out over at Hosted Graphite.

One very nice feature of this product offering is that you do not need to worry about any of the behind the scenes details or intricacies of how all of the Graphite components work together.  You just click a few buttons and you are ready to go.  Highly recommended if you just need something that works, go check it out.

Anyway, Grafana gives you the ability to bolt on all kinds of bells and whistles to your graphs.  For example, there is a nice little node.js tool called statsd written by the guys over at etsy that sort of expands the capabilities of Graphite.  And since it hooks right in with Graphite, it makes it very simple to represent and output the various metrics into Grafana.

If you do choose to roll your own Grafana solution, there are a few gotchas that I was not aware of that I’d like to cover.  The first, which should seem easy enough is that you need to run but Graphite and Grafana simultaneously.  So that means you either need to create two virtual hosts depending on which web server you choose to use or you need to to create to different port bindings.  The Grafana documentation has a few examples of how to create new port binding, which uses Apache as the web server but it is pretty easy to find examples of configs on Github and other sites if you are interested in using nginx as your web server instead.  The important thing to remember is that you will want to have two sites listed in your sites-enabled directory inside of the apache directory.  One for Graphite (which I moved to port 8080 for simplicity) and one for Grafana (which I stuck on port 80).

If you choose to use authentication there are a few extra headers that need to be written as well so that Grafana is accessible correclty.  This is easy to add to either your nginx or you apache config.

Here is the adapted Apache configuration necessary to add in authentication, where website name is the globally reachable DNS name of your webserver:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://WEBSITENAME"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

<Location />
  AuthName "graphs restricted"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/htpasswd
  <LimitExcept OPTIONS>
    require valid-user

That is almost the entire configuration that I have for the Grafana webserver.  You will need to download and install an Apache lib tool to generate a hash to use for you AuthUserFile, directions can be pieced together from this.  The Graphite configuration is only a little bit more complex and was created by Chef, so I will go ahead and post that here as well:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
  ServerName SERVER
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/opt/graphite/webapp"
  ErrorLog /opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/error.log
  CustomLog /opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/access.log common

  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
  Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"

  WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/graphite/conf/

  <Directory /opt/graphite>
    Require all granted

  <Location "/content/">
    SetHandler None

  <Location "/media/">
    SetHandler None

 # NOTE: In order for the django admin site media to work you
 # must change @DJANGO_ROOT@ to be the path to your django
 # installation, which is probably something like:
 # /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django
 Alias /media/ "@DJANGO_ROOT@/contrib/admin/media/"


Again pretty straight forward.  If you choose to add authentication, it is done in a similar way.

The only other step is to add your metrics into Graphite.  I am using Sensu, which I have written a bit about and plan to write more about in the future.  Reference some of those writings to get an idea for metric gather and if you have any question let me know.  I will be writing a post in the near future about gathering and aggregating metrics with Sensu.  For now I will just assume that you already have a way to collect metrics.

Once you have everything set up you should be able to start playing around with the Grafana GUI.  After you have your configurations ironed out pretty much everything else is done through the GUI which is nice.

To illustrate the power of Grafana, here are a few example dashboards I have built recently:

grafana dashboard graph
Memory Used
grafana dashboard graph
CPU usage
grafana dashboard graph
Disk space used

If you want to check out the Grafana project you can find more information either on their Github page or their website.  The docs page on the main website is a great resource as well as the IRC channel.  In fact, the IRC channel is probably the most preferable place to go for help because it isn’t overcrowded and the creator of Grafana is in there quite a bit.

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Set up PagerDuty alerts in Sensu

I am currently in the midst of rolling a monitoring solution using Sensu and a handful of other tools, which I will be covering sporadically in the future.  Onee important facet of any good monitoring solution is a reliable alerting method.  Sensu uses a distributed approach to monitoring so all of the components are spread out rather than run as one monolithic system.  So following this principle, Sensu integrates nicely with the awesome PagerDuty tools for alerting.  You can find more information about Sensu and its architecture over at the docs page of their website.

“The Sensu way” involves using what is called a handler (for the uninitiated) to trigger an alert.  So for example, my setup involves a number of checks, which are run on each of my clients.  These checks have associated subscribers and handlers that report back to the Sensu server.  From there the Sensu server will run the handler(s) specified and do something with results of the check that was run on the Sensu client.

For my project I am using PagerDuty to generate alerts if disk space gets low or a process dies.  I will briefly run through the steps of how to set the PagerDuty integration up because there were a few roadblocks that I encountered when I set this up the first time.

This set of instructions assumes that you already have a PagerDuty account created and configured.  So the first step is to create a Service API check for Sensu.  Pick a suitable name and choose Use our API directly.  It should look similar to the following:

pagerduty api key

Now that we have an API key set up in PagerDuty we should be able to jump on the Sensu server and add in the apporpriate json to configure the Sensu handler to communicate with PagerDuty.  Place the following contents in /etc/sensu/conf.d/handlers/pagerduty.json.

 "pagerduty": {
   "api_key": "xxxxxx"
 "handlers": {
   "pagerduty": {
     "type": "pipe",
     "command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/pagerduty.rb",
     "severities": [

I learned (the hard way) that the pagerduty.rb script won’t work out of the box.  It relies on a ruby gem called redphone.  It is easy enough to install and get working, just do a gem install redphone and you should be all set.

Next, go ahead and download the pagerduty.rb script to the appropriate location on the Sensu server:

cd /etc/sensu/plugins
wget -O /etc/sensu/plugins/pagerduy.rb

That should be it.  One good way to check if things are working and that the checks and handler are actually firing correctly is to tail the log file on both the client and server. On the server the log is located at /var/log/sensu/sensu-server.log and on the client machine at /var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log.

Bonus:  Chef integration

Of course all of this can be automated using Chef, which is ultimately what I ended up doing, so I will share some of the things that I learned in the process.  For starters, I am using the Sensu Chef cookbook, created by the maintainer of the Sensu project.  This cookbook exposes a few useful options for configuration Sensu.  You will need to clone the cookbook directly from the github repository to get the newest features that we need, as the Opscode version has not yet been updated to incorporate them.

Just add this line to your recipe before you call any of the Sensu resources/providers.

include_recipe "sensu::default"

The Sensu coobook exposes a number of nice resources that we can use in our recipes to deploy Sensu.  As an example if you wanted to clone the PagerDuty handler to the Chef server you would use something like the following in your recipe:

sensu_plugin ""

Which will place the pagerduty.rb script into the appropriate directory automaitcally.  There are other options as well, but this should do the trick.  You can find some more examples here.

Define your pagerduty handler:

sensu_handler "pagerduty" do 
  type "pipe" 
  command "/etc/sensu/plugins/pagerduty.rb" 
  severities ["ok", "critical"] 

You will need to add this handler to each check that you want to receive an alert on, and you will also need to subscribe your host to that check as well.  Here is what an example check might look like:

sensu_check "check_ntp" do 
   command "/etc/sensu/plugins/check-procs.rb -p ntpd -C 1" 
   handlers ["pagerduty"] 
   subscribers ["core"] 
   interval 60 
   additional(:notification => "NTP is not running", :occurrences => 5) 

That’s all I have for now.  So far Sensu has been amazing, it is very flexible and the IRC channel an excellent resource.  The docs are nice as well.  Again, props to Sean Porter for creating an awesome new way to do monitoring.  I am still just flirting with the very top of the iceburg as far as the capabilites of Sensu go and will be revisiting this subject in the future.

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Set up PEM key authentication

Many times it is useful to keys to authenticate to your servers.  This can dramatically improve security and is a great way to manage servers in bulk as well.  You just need to keep track of your keys rather than having to remember a large number of passwords.  The steps to get PEM key authentication are fairly straight forward but it never hurts to walk through the process of getting them set up correctly.

Side Note: I’d like to also mention briefly, that I have these steps set up to work with Chef, so every server that gets deployed using Chef will use PEM keys out of the box, which works out very nicely.  If you’re interested I can expound on that topic a little more, just let me know.

The first step in the process is to generate some keys using openssl.  If you don’t have openssl go download and install it.  If you do have openssl but haven’t updated in ahwile, please update to avoid the heartbleed vulnerability that was recently exploited (nearly all distributors have released the patched version at this point so it should be trivial).

We want to generate our key and create a PEM file out of it.  Here are the steps:

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024
openssl dsa -in id_dsa -outform pem > test.pem
cat ida_dsa >> authorized_keys

You can leave the values blank (default) in the ssh-keygen.

Now you should have similar listings in your ~/.ssh directory:

ssh keys

  • authorized_keys – This is the public key that the pem file gets authenticated against
  • id_dsa – This is the private portion of the key that we generated in the steps above
  • – This is the public key section that is used when authenticating
  • test.pem – this is the file that will be used to authenticate.  Essentially the private key minus the pass phrase

Now you just need to copy the test.pem file that was just generated to a different host in order to log in with your PEM key using scp or rsync.  Once that is done, the command to connect to the remote host using  your key should look similar to the following:

ssh -i /path/to/pem user@server-name

Next steps.  At this point you should have a working pem authentication on your server.  It is probably a good idea at this point to start looking at hardening the security as well as the SSH configuration on the host.  Small things can go a long way.  For example disabling root login, disabling password authentication, etc. will stop a very large amount of attacks from hitting your server now that you are authenticating with pem keys.

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