Useful Vim Plugins

This post is mostly a reference for folks that are interested in adding a little bit of extra polish and functionality to the stock version of Vim.  The plugin system in Vim is a little bit confusing at first but is really powerful once you get past the initial learning curve.  I know this topic has been covered a million times but having a centralized reference for how to set up each plugin is a little bit harder to find.

Below I have highlighted a sample list of my favorite Vim plugins.  I suggest that you go try as many plugins that you can to figure out what suits your needs and workflow best.  The following plugins are the most useful to me, but certainly I don’t think will be the best for everybody so use this post as a reference to getting started with plugins and try some out to decide which ones are the best for your own environment.


This is a package manager of sorts for Vim plugins.  Vundle allows you to download, install, search and otherwise manage plugins for Vim in an easy and straight forward way.

To get started with Vundle, put the following configuration at THE VERY TOP of your vimrc.

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#rc()
"" let Vundle manage Vundle
Bundle 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'

Then you need to clone the Vundle project in to the path specified in the vimrc from above.

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Now you can install any other defined plugins from within Vim by  running :BundleInstall.  This should trigger Vundle to start downloading/updating its list of plugins based on your vimrc.

To install additional plugins, update your vimrc with the plugins you want to install, similar to how Vundle installs itself as shown below.

"" Example plugin
Bundle 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'

Color Schemes

Customizing the look and feel of Vim is a very personal experience.  Luckily there are a lot of options to choose from.

The vim-colorschemes plugin allows you to pick from a huge list of custom color schemes that users have put together and published.  As illustrated above you can simply add the repo to your vimrc to gain access to a large number of color options.  Then to pick one just add the following to your vimrc (after the Bundle command).

colorscheme xoria256

Next time you open up Vim you should see color output for the scheme you like.


Syntastic is a fantastic syntax highlighter and linting tool and is easily the best syntax checker I have found for Vim.  Syntastic offers support for tons of different languages and styles and even offers support for third party syntax checking plugins.

Here is how to install and configure Syntastic using Vundle.  The first step is to ddd Syntastic to your vimrc,

" Syntax highlighting
 Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic'

There are a few basic settings that also need to get added to your vimrc to get Syntastic to work well.

" Syntastic statusline
 set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
 set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
 set statusline+=%*
 " Sytnastic settings
 let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
 let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
 let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
 let g:syntastic_loc_list_height=5
 let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0
 " Better symbols
 let g:syntastic_error_symbol = 'XX'
 let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = '!!'

That’s pretty much it.  Having a syntax highlighter and automatic code linter has been a wonderful boon for productivity.  I have saved  myself so much time chasing down syntax errors and other bad code.  I definitely recommend this tool.


This plugin is an autocompletion tool that adds tab completion to Vim, giving it a really nice IDE feel.  I’ve only tested YCM out for a few weeks now but have to say it doesn’t seem to slow anything down very much at all, which is nice.  An added bonus to using YCM with Syntastic is that they work together so if there are problems with the functions entered by YCM, Syntastic will pick them up.

Here are the installation instructions for Vundle.  The first thing you will need to do is add a Vundle reference to your vimrc.

"" Autocomplete
Bundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'

Then, in Vim, run :BundleInstall – this will download the git repo for YouCompleteMe.  Once the repo is downloaded you will need a few other tools installed to get things working correctly.  Check the official documentation for installation instruction for your system.  On OS X you will need to have Python, cmake, MacVim and clang support.

xcode-select --install
brew install cmake

Then, to install YouCompleteMe.

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
git submodule update --init --recursive (not needed if you use Vundle)
./ --clang-completer


Highlights pesky whitespace automatically.  This one is really useful to just have on in the background to help you catch whitespace mistakes.  I know I make a lot of mistakes with regards to missing whitespace so having this is just really nice.

To install it.

"" Whitespace highlighting
Bundle 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'

That’s it.  Vundle should handle the rest.

ctrlp / nerdtree

These tools are useful for file management and traversal.  These plugins become more powersful when you work with a lot of files and move around different directories a lot.  There is some debate about whether or not to use nerdtree in favor of the built in netrw.  Nonetheless, it is still worth checking out different file browsers and see how they work.

Check out Vim Unite for a sort of hybrid file manager for fuzzy finding like ctrlp with additional functionality, like the ability to grep files from within Vim using a mapped key.

Bonus – Shellcheck

This is a shell and bash linting tool that integrates with vim and is great.  Bash is notoriously difficult to read and debug and the shellcheck tools helps out with that a lot.

Install shellcheck on your system and syntastic will automatically pick up the installation and automatically do its linting whenever you save a file.  I have been writing a lot of bash lately and the shellcheck tool has been a godsend for catching mistakes, and especially useful in Vim since it runs all the time.

By combining the powers of a good syntax highlighter and a good solid understanding of Bash you should be able to be that much more productive once you get used to having a build in to syntax and style checker for your scripts.

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Fixing docker-machine shared folder performance issues

It is a known issue that vboxsf (Virtualbox Shared Folders) has performance problems.  This ugly fact becomes a problem if you use docker-machine with the default Virtualbox driver to mount volumes, both on Windows and OS X, especially when mounting directories with a large amount (~17k and above files).  Linux does not suffer from this performance problem since it is able to run Docker natively and does not require you to run docker-machine.

There are various issues floating around Github referencing this problem, most of which remain unresolved.

Unfortunately there is currently not a proper fix for the vboxsf performance issues on OS X and Windows.  In fact, I reached out to the Virtualbox developers around a year ago asking what the deal was and was basically told that fixing shared folder performance was not a high priority issue for their dev team.

After hearing the unsettling news, I set out to find a good way to deal with shared volumes.  I stumbled across a few different approaches to solving the problem but most of them ended up being glitchy (at the time) or overly complicated.  There is a nice write up that mentions many of the tools that I tried myself.

Having tried most of the methods out there, easily the best workaround I have found is to use NFS file shares to mount the “Users” directory using a tool called docker-machine-nfs.  It is easy to install and run and most importantly it just works out of the box, which is exactly what most folks are looking for.

Sadly this method does not work on Windows.  And as far as I can tell there is not a good workaround to this problem if you are running docker-machine on Windows.  It does sounds like some folks maybe have had some success using samba but I have not attempted to get fast volumes working on Windows so can’t say for sure what the best approach is.

To install docker-machine-nfs

curl -s |
  sudo tee /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-nfs > /dev/null && \
  sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-nfs

To run it

Make sure you already have created a docker-machine VM and verify that it is running.  Then run the following command.

docker-machine-nfs <machine-name>

And that’s pretty much it…  It requires admin access to do the NFS mounting so you might need to punch in your password, other than that you can pretty much follow along with what the output is doing.

There are a few caveats to be aware of.

I have noticed that on newer versions of docker-machine, if you run the script too quickly after creating the VM, docker-machine ends up having issues communicating with the Docker daemon.  The work around (for now) is just to wait ~30 seconds the docker-machine VM to boot fully before running the command to mount nfs.

There is also currently an issue on the docker-machine side on version 0.5.5 and above that breaks docker-machine-nfs on the first run, which is described here.  The workaround for that issue is to modify the script and place a “sleep 20” in the script, as per the comments in the issue.  The author appears to have brought the issue up with docker-machine developers so should fixed properly in the near future.

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Change CoreOS default toolbox

This is a little trick that allows you to override the default base OS in the CoreOS “toolbox“.  The toolbox is a neat trick to allow you to debug and troubleshoot issues inside containers on CoreOS without having to do any outside work of setting up a container.

The default toolbox OS defaults to Fedora, which we’re going to change to Ubuntu.  There is a custom configuration file that will get read in via the .toolboxrc file, located at /home/core/.toolboxrc by default.  To keep things simple we will only be changing the few pieces of the config to get the toolbox to behave how we want.  More can be changed but we don’t really need to override anything else.


That’s pretty cool, but what if we want to have this config file be in place for all servers?  We don’t want to have to manually write this config file for every server we log in to.

To fix this issue we will add a simple configuration in to the user-data file that gets fed in to the CoreOS cloud-config when the server is created.  You can find more information about the CoreOS cloud-configs here.

The bit in the cloud config that needs to change is the following.

  - path: /home/core/.toolboxrc
    owner: core
    content: |

If you are already using cloud-config then this change should be easy, just add the bit starting with -path to your existing -write_files section.  New servers using this config will have the desired toolbox defaults.

This approach gives us an automated, reproducible way to clone our custom toolbox config to every server that uses cloud-config to bootstrap itself.  Once the config is in place simply run the “toolbox” command and it should use the custom values to pull the desired Ubuntu image.

Then you can run your Ubuntu commands and debugging tools from within the toolbox.  Everything else will be the same, we just use Ubuntu now as our default toolbox OS.  Here is the post that gave me the idea to do this originally.

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Create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS and CoreOS with Terraform

Up until my recent discovery of Terraform, the process I had been using to test CoreOS and Kubernetes was somewhat cumbersome and manual.  There are still some manual steps and processes involved in the bootstrap and cluster creation process that need to get sorted out, but now I can bring environments up and down, quickly and automatically.  This is a HUGE time saver and also makes testing easier because these changes can happen in a matter of minutes rather than hours and can all be self documented for others to reference in a Github repo.  Great success.

NOTE:  This method seems to be broken as of the 0.14.2 release of Kubernetes.  The latest version I could get to work reliably was v0.13.1.  I am following the development and looking forward to the v1.0 release but won’t revisit this method until something stable has been shipped because there are still just too many changes going on.  With that said, v0.13.1 has a lot of useful functionality and this method is actually really easy to get working once you have the groundwork laid out.

Another benefit is that as the project develops and matures, the only thing that will need modified are the cloud configs I am using here.  So if you follow along you can use my configs as a template, feel free to use this as a base and modify the configs to get this working with a newer release.  As I said I will be revisiting the configs once things slow down a little and a v1 has been released.


So the first component that we need to enable in this workflow is Terraform.  From their site, “Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently.”  Basically, Terraform is a command line tool for allowing you to implement your infrastructure as code across a variety of different infrastructure providers.  It should go without saying, being able to test environments across different platforms and cloud providers is a gigantic benefit.  It doesn’t lock you in to any one vendor and greatly helps simplify the process of creating complex infrastructures across different platforms.

Terraform is still a young project but has been maturing nicely and currently supports most of the functionality needed for this method to work (the missing stuff is in the dev pipeline and will be released in the near future).  Another benefit is that Terraform is much easier to use and understand than CloudFormation, which is  a propriety cloud provisioning tool available to AWS customers, which could be used if you are in a strictly AWS environment.

The first step is to download and install Terraform.  In this example I am using OSX but the instructions will be similar on Linux or other platforms.

cd /tmp
mv terraform* /usr/local/bin

After you have moved the binary you will need to source your shell.  I use zsh so I just ran “source ~/.zshrc” to update the path for terraform.

To test terraform out you can check the version to make sure it works.

terraform version

Now that Terraform is installed you will need to get some terraform files set up.  I suggest making a local terraform directory on your machine so you can create a repo out of it later if desired.  I like to split “services” up by creating different directories.  So within the terraform directory I have created a coreos directory as well as a kubernetes directory, each with their own variables file (which should be very similar).  I don’t know if this approach is a best practice but has been working well for me so far.  I will gladly update this workflow if there is a better way to do this.

Here is a sample of what the file and directory layout might look like.


As you can see there is a directory for Etcd as well as Kubernetes specific configurations.  You may also notice that there is a cloud-config directory.  This will be used as a central place to put configurations for the different services.


With Terraform set up, the next component needed for this architecture to work is a functioning etcd cluster. I chose to use a separate 3 node cluster (spread across 3 AZ’s) for improved performance and resliency.  If one of the nodes goes down or away with a 3 node cluster it will still be operational, where if a 1 node cluster goes away you will be in much more trouble.  Additionally if you have other services or servers that need to leverage etcd you can just point them to this etcd cluster.

Luckily, with Terraform it is dead simple to spin up and down new clusters once you have your initial configurations set up and configured correctly.

At the time of this writing I am using the current stable version of CoreOS, which is 633.1.0, which uses version 0.4.8 of etcd.  According to the folks at CoreOS, the cloud configs for old versions of etcd should work once the new version has been released so moving to a the new 2.0 release should be easy once it hits the release channel but some tweaks or additional changes to the cloud configs may need to occur.


Before we get in to the details of how all of this works, I would like to point out that many of the settings in these configuration files will be specific to users environments.  For example I am using an AWS VPC in the “us-east-1” region for this set up, so you may need to adjust some of the settings in these files to match your own scenario.  Other custom components may include security groups, subnet id’s, ssh keys, availability zones, etc.

Terraform offers resources for basically all network components on AWS so you could easily extend these configurations to build out your initial network and environment if you were starting a project like this from scratch.  You can check all the Terraform resources for the AWS provider here.

Warning: This guide assumes a few subtle things to work correctly.  The address scheme we are using for this environment is a 192.168.x.x, leveraging 3 subnets to spread the nodes out across for additional availability (b, c, e) in the US-East-1 AWS region.  Anything in the configuration that has been filled in with “XXX” represents a custom value that you will need to either create or obtain in your own environment and modify in the configuration files.

Finally, you will need to provide AWS credentials to allow Terraform to communicate with the API for creating and modifying resources.  You can see where these credentials should be filled in below in the file.

variable "access_key" { 
 description = "AWS access key"
 default = "XXX"

variable "secret_key" { 
 description = "AWS secret access key"
 default = "XXX"

variable "region" {
 default = "us-east-1"

/* CoreOS AMI - 633.1.0 */

variable "amis" {
 description = "Base CoreOS AMI"
 default = {
 us-east-1 = "ami-d6033bbe" 

Here is what an example CoreOS configs look like.

provider "aws" {
 access_key = "${var.access_key}"
 secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
 region = "${var.region}"

/* Etcd cluster */

resource "aws_instance" "etcd-01" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1e" 
 instance_type = "t2.micro"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = XXX"
 private_ip = ""
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/etcd-1.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "20"

resource "aws_instance" "etcd-02" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1b" 
 instance_type = "t2.micro"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 private_ip = ""
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/etcd-2.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "20"

resource "aws_instance" "etcd-03" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1c" 
 instance_type = "t2.micro"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 private_ip = ""
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/etcd-3.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "20"

Below I have created a configuration file as a simaple way to create DNS records dynamically when spinning up the etcd cluster nodes.

 resource "aws_route53_record" "etcd-01" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "etcd-01.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.etcd-01.private_ip}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "etcd-02" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "etcd-02.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.etcd-02.private_ip}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "etcd-03" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "etcd-03.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.etcd-03.private_ip}"]

Once all of the configurations have been put in place and all look right you can test out what your configuration will look like with the “plan” command:

cd etcd
terraform plan

Make sure to change in to your etcd directory first.  This will examine your current configuration and calculate any changes.  If your environment is completely unconfigured then this command will return some output that explains what terraform is planning to do.

If you don’t want the input prompts when you run your plan command you can append the “-input=false” flag to bypass the configurations.

If everything looks okay with the plan you can tell Terraform to “apply” your conifgs with the following:

terraform apply
terraform apply -input=false

If everything goes accordingly, after a few minutes you should have a new 3 node etcd cluster running on the lastest stable version of CoreOS with DNS records for interacting with the nodes!  To double check that the servers are being created you can check the AWS console to see if your newly defined servers have been created.  The console is a great way to double check that things all work okay and that the right values were created.

If you are having trouble with the cloud configs check the end of the post for the link to all of the etcd and Kubernetes cloud configs.


The Kubernetes configuration is very similar to etcd.  It uses a, and file to configure the Kubernetes cluster.

The following configurations will build a v0.13.1 Kubernetes cluster with 1 master, and 3 worker nodes to begin with.  This config can be extended easily to scale the number of worker nodes to basically as many as you want (I could easily image the hundreds or thousands), simply by changing a few number in the configuration, barely adding any overhead to our current process and workflow, which is nice.  Because of these possibilities, Terraform allows for a large amount of flexibility in how you manage your infrastructure.

This configuration is using c3.large instances so be aware that your AWS bill may be affected if you spin nodes up and fail to turn them off when you are done testing.

provider "aws" {
 access_key = "${var.access_key}"
 secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
 region = "${var.region}"

/* Kubernetes cluster */

resource "aws_instance" "kube-master" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1e" 
 instance_type = "c3.large"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 private_ip = ""
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/kube-master.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "20"

resource "aws_instance" "kube-e" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1e" 
 instance_type = "c3.large"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 count = "1"
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/kube-node.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "100"

resource "aws_instance" "kube-b" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1b" 
 instance_type = "c3.large"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 count = "1"
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/kube-node.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "100"

resource "aws_instance" "kube-c" {
 ami = "${lookup(var.amis, var.region)}"
 availability_zone = "us-east-1c" 
 instance_type = "c3.large"
 subnet_id = "XXX"
 security_groups = ["XXX"]
 key_name = "XXX"
 count = "1"
 user_data = "${file("../cloud-config/kube-node.yml")}"

 root_block_device = {
 device_name = "/dev/xvda"
 volume_type = "gp2"
 volume_size = "100"

And our DNS configuration.

resource "aws_route53_record" "kube-master" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "kube-master.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.kube-master.private_ip}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "kube-e" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "kube-e-test.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.kube-e.0.private_ip}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "kube-b" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "kube-b.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.kube-b.0.private_ip}"]

resource "aws_route53_record" "kube-c" {
 zone_id = "XXX"
 name = "kube-c.example.domain"
 type = "A"
 ttl = "300"
 records = ["${aws_instance.kube-c.0.private_ip}"]

The variables file for Kubernetes should be identical to the etcd configuration so I have chosen not to place it here.  Just refer to the previous etcd/ file.


Since each cloud-config is slightly different (and would take up a lot more space) I have included those files in the below gist.  You will need to populate the “ssh_authorized_keys:” section with your own SSH public key and update any of the IP addresses to reflect your environment.  I apologize if there are any typo’s, there was a lot of cut and paste.

Cloud configs –

Much of the configurations that I am using are based on the Kubernetes docs, as well as some of the specific cloud configs that I have adapted, which can be found here.

Another great place to get help with Kubernetes is the IRC channel which can be found on in the #google-containers channel.  The folks that hang out there are super friendly and can almost always answer any questions you have.

As I said, development is still pretty crazy.  You can check the releases page to check out all the latest stuff.


Yes this can seem very convoluted at first but if everything works how it should, you now have a quick and easy way to spin up identical etcd and/or a Kubernetes environments up or down at will, which is pretty powerful.  Also, this method is dramatically easier than most of the methods I have come across so far in my own adventures and testing.

Once you get through the initial confusion and learning curve this workflow becomes a huge timesaver for testing out different versions of Kubernetes and also for experimenting with etcd.  I haven’t quite automated the entire process but I imagine that it would be easy to spin entire environments up and down by gluing all of these pieces together with some simple shell scripts.

If you need to make any configuration updates, for example to put a new version of Kubernetes in place, you will need first update your Kubernetes master/node cloud configs and then rerun terraform apply to have it recreate your environment.

The cloud config changes will destroy any nodes that rely on the old configuration.  Therefore, you will need to make sure that if you make any changes to your cloud config files you are prepared to deal with the consequences!  Ideally you should get your etcd cluster to a good spot and then leave it alone and just play around with the Kubernetes components since both of those components have been separated in order to change the components out independently.

With this workflow you can already start to see the power of terraform even with this one example.  Terraform is quickly becoming one of my favorite automation and cloud tools and is providing a very easy way to define and build infrastructure though code and configurations.

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CLI hotkey and navigation guide

I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while now but have always managed to forget.  I have been piecing together useful terminal shortcuts, commands and productivity tools since I started using Linux back in the day.  If you spend any amount of time in the terminal you should hopefully know about some of these tricks already but more importantly, if you’re like me, are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of your bash workflow and making your life easier.

There are a few things that I would quickly like to note.  If you use tmux as your CLI session manager you may not be able to use some of the mentioned hotkeys to get around by default if you don’t have some settings turned on in your configuration file.

You can take a look at my custom .tmux.conf file if you’re interested in screen style bindings plus configuration for hotkeys.  If you simply want to add the option that turns on the correct hotkey bindings for your terminal, add this line to your ~/.tmux.conf file

set-window-option -g xterm-keys on

Also, if you are a Mac user, and don’t already know about it, I highly recommend checking out iTerm2.  Coming primarily from a Linux background the hotkey bindings in Mac OS X are a little bit different than what I am used to and were initially a challenge for me to get accustomed to.  The transition for me took a little bit but iTerm has definitely helped me out immensely, as well as a few other ticks learned along the way.  I really haven’t dug through all the options in iTerm but there are a huge number of options and customizations that can made.

The only thing I have been interested in so far is the navigation which I will highlight below.

Adjust iTerm keybindings – As I mentioned, I am used to using Linux keybinding so a natural fit for my purposes is the option key.  The first step is to disable the custom binding in the iTerm preferences.  To do this, click iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys and find the binding for option left arrow and option right arrow and remove them from the default profile.

Next, add the following to your global key bindings, iTerm -> Preferences -> Keys.





Move left one word

  • Keyboard shortcut: ??
  • Action: Send Escape Sequence
  • Escape: b

Move right one word

  • Keyboard shortcut: ??
  • Action: Send Escape Sequence
  • Escape: f

Finally, it is also worth pointing out that I use zsh for my default shell.  There are some really nice additions that zsh offers over vanilla bash.  I recently ran across this blog post which has some awesome tips.  I have also written about switching to zsh here.  Anyway, here is the lis.  It will grow as I find more tips.

Basic navigation:

  • Ctrl-left/right arrow – Jump between words quickly.
  • Opt-left/right arrow – Custom iTerm binding for jumping between words quickly.
  • Alt-left/right arrow – Linux only.  Jump between words quickly.
  • Esc-b/f – Mac OS.  Similar to arrow keys, move between words quickly.
  • Alt-b – Linux only.  Jump back one word.  Handy with other hotkeys overridden.
  • Ctrl-a – Jump to the beginning of a line (doesn’t work with tmux mappings).
  • Ctrl-e – Jump to the end of a line.
  • End – SImilar to ctrl-e this will send your cursor to the end of the line.
  • Home – Similar to End, except jumps to the beginning of the line.

Intermediate navigation:

  • Ctrl-u – Copy entire command to clipboard.
  • Ctrl-y – Paste previously copied ctrl-u command in to the terminal.
  • Ctrl-w – Cut a word to the left of the cursor.
  • Alt-d – Cut after word after the cursor position

Advanced use:

  • Ctrl-x Ctrl-e – Zsh command.  Edit the current command in your $EDITOR, which for me is vim
  • Ctrl-r – Everybody hopefully should know this one.  It is basically recursive search history
  • Ctrl-k – Erase everything after the current cursor position.  Handy for long commands
  • !<command>:p – Print the last command
  • cd … – Zsh command.  This can be easily aliased but will jump up two directories
  • !$ – Quickly access the last argument of the last command.

Zsh tab completion

Tab completion with Zsh is awesome, it’s like bash completion on steroids.  I will attempt to highlight some of my favorite tab completion tricks with Zsh.

Directory shorthand – Say you need to get to a directory that is nested deeply.  You can use the first few characters that will uniquely match to that directory to navigate instead of typing out the whole command.  So for example, cd /u/lo/b will expand out to /usr/local/bin.

command specific history – This one comes in handy all the time.  If you need to grab a command that you don’t use very often you can user Ctrl-r to match the first part of the command and from there you can up arrow to locate the command you typed.

Spelling and case correction – Bash by default can get annoying if you have a long command typed out but somehow managed to typo part of the command.  In zsh this is (sometimes) corrected for you automatically when you <tab> to complete the command.  For example if you are changing dirs in to the ‘Documents’ directory you can type ‘cd ~/doc/’ and the correct location will be expanded for you.

This list will continue to grow as I find more handy shortcuts, hotkeys or generally other useful tips and tricks that I find in my day to day command line work.  I really want to build a similar list for things in Vim but my Vim skills are unfortunately lacking plus there is already some really nice documentation and guidance out there already.  If you are interested in writing up a Vim productivity post I would love to post it.  Likewise, if you have any other nice shortcuts or tips you think are worth mentioning, post them in the comments and I will try to get them added to the list.

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